01/06/2007 |
03/02/2011 |
Last updated:
16/03/2016 |
1307 Chapel Road, Katamatite, Victoria, AU |
0438983718 |
| |
Climate zone:
Warm Temperate |
(projects i'm involved in)
Project: Katamatite Garlic
Posted by Grahame Eddy almost 14 years ago
At Green Temple we believe that our bodies are the physical manifestation of our minds and spirit - that the mind, body and spirit are all part of the one human being, and that what we do in one effects the others. The thoughts we hold, the beliefs we have, the food we eat and the company we keep all contribute to the shape and state of our body.
Similarly, we believe that our gardens are an extension of our bodies. The thoughts we have about it, the things we feed it, the way we nurture it all have effects on our minds, bodies and spirits. When we poison a plant, we poison ourselves. When we understand the role of a plant, we begin to understand our own roles. When we are actively conscious within our garden, the garden starts to take on our consciousness. When we are actively conscious about our activities on the Earth, the Earth too will take on our consciousness.
Our gardens tell us a lot about who we are, just as our bodies do. Some things are plain to see, others are more deeply rooted and hidden from our view. A tidy set of straight garden beds with not a leaf out of place tell us something, a vast monoculture field of grain tell us something and an organic, flowing, thriving, permaculture garden tell us yet another. What does it tell us that many people have no garden at all!?
As we extend out, beyond the boundaries of our gardens we see that the Earth is really just an extension of our garden, our body and in turn our mind and spirit. Often the things we see in the wider world, are delivered in ways that we are not trained to defend ourselves against and so it gets into our gardens, it gets into our bodies and it gets into our minds and spirits and it starts effecting us from the outside in. It is important for us to view these things in the outside world as warnings, guide posts or yard sticks for our own lives. We need to take personal responsibility for them, but we can only take responsibility for the things we have it in our power to change, and our greatest sphere of influence is in our own minds, bodies, homes, gardens and communities.
Modern advertising tries to strip us of our power, to deplete us, and to draw our energy away from our own sphere of influence. The old saying, charity begins at home, means that first we must take care of our own, minds, bodies and spirits, then we must take care of our homes and gardens and then we must take care of our communities. If we do even the first few with conscious awareness, we will have a greater influence on the world, than all the raging against the machine we have the energy for. Even this simple thing would change the world significantly.
Our gardens are our nearest circle of influence on the physical health of the Earth. The way we behave in them is the mark we leave on the earth, it is our connection with the earth. Do we beat it into submission, do we treat it with sensitivity and care, or do we work with it in co-operation? How do you really relate to the Earth?
Our garden is our chance to be the change we wish to see in the world and we believe it is important to live as though our lives depend on it.
Our garden is our temple. This, is our Green Temple.
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