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The rainbow tree
The rainbow tree
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www.therainbowtree.org, GB
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Cool Temperate

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The rainbow tree website

Project: The rainbow tree

Posted by Pietro Zucchetti over 13 years ago

This is the design of my portfolio for the diploma in applied permaculture. It groups all my designs including the PDC final design and some informations about permaculture as I see it.

This is the design of my portfolio for the diploma in applied permaculture. It groups all my designs including the PDC final design and some informations about permaculture as I see it.

I will approach this design using the CEAP design process,Collecting informations,Evaluating those informations,Applying permaculture principles and Planning through costing,implementation plan etc. I will include also re-evaluation and tweaking.

Collecting informations

Client interview

This is the interview which enable me to collect informations about the client needs and wants. In this design I also added the values of the client.





Functions and elements

Functions Elements

To have a showcase

of my work

biography designs




learning set




my skills



To establish


contacts feedback


to leave


Experimental learning

real time



interaction multifunctional

To give freedom to copy and share


possibility to download works

possibility to print works possibility to send email with works attached
To help others

free access


sharing my pathway with others possibility to comunicate links to permaculture resources topics about sustainability and environment

To give free access

to everybody

of an inside view

of the diploma process

in real time

download works

real time work updated as soon as finish a part of a design

using free access resources like Joomla!
Diversity of topics portfolio water soil trees natural farming environment beekeeping

To help spreading





definitions of


To make easier

doing DSTs with

distant tutors

having designs online

accessible from all over the world

possibility to leave comments to every design possibility to leave feedbacks receiving emails


Applying permaculture principles


Accept feedback

Accepting feedback through feedback button,leave a comment feature on every page of the designs and contacts button. The email link is present at the bottom of every website page.


Use and value diversity

Including in the website a diversity of contents from the portfolio to topics that speak about natural farming,soil,trees,water etc.

Conserve and store energy

The energy of the contents of the website is all on the homepage all around the central space,this help the viewer not to spend energy in looking for the navigation tools. They are all around the homepage avoiding energy dispersion.


Design from pattern to details

I will use the pattern of a spiral to place the navigation tools around it and to distribute the energy of the viewer in a more efficent way. Than I will design the details in relation of the material available I have.



Concept plan


I am trying to keep all the major web navigation tools in the upper part of the website,so people can see them immediately as soon as they open the home page. The pattern of the spiral helps to position the navigation tool in the right place in relation of their use. The most used tool will have assigned more energy and will be positioned in the most visible place,which is in the top part of the web page.Also the spiral it will help to focus on the most important informations which are at the centre of the web page. It seems that the spiral pattern helped me to distribute the tools in the best position in relation of their embedded energy.

Feedback = To recieve opinions,suggestions etc. about the website and the contents.

Environments = To inform people about environmental issues.

Trees = This is a section dedicated to arboriculture and forestry.

Contacts = The contact of the webmaster.

Natural farming = A section dedicated to Masanobu Fukuoka.

Links = Links to other permaculture websites.

Copyleft = It is a statement that allow people to copy and reproduce the material on this website freely. It  has been formulated by Richard Stallman in the '80s.

Portfolio = It is my portfolio for the diploma in applied permaculture design.

Services = it is the section where I offer different services from permaculture design to gardening.

Bio = My biography

Permaculture = Where there are some definitions of what is permaculture.


Master plan


In the master plan above I have defined all the areas of the main webpage,allocating all the navigation tools. All the other pages will follow the master plan layout.



Domain name = £12 for two years

Host package = £45 a year

Design and implementation time = 60 hours


Implementation plan

  1. Download Joomla with all plugins
  2. Learn Joomla platform
  3. Buy domain name and hosting package
  4. Review all the contents to publish on the website
  5. Start to design first layout
  6. Check if the first layout it is working
  7. Start to add some contents
  8. Verify if the website is working properly with some of the contents
  9. Start to correct the first layout producing the second layout
  10. Verify if the second layout is working properly
  11. Add the rest of the content with images etc.
  12. Check online if it is working properly
  13. The website is live
  14. Start to promote the website with emails,links to other websites,PAB newsletter and PRI australia website
  15. Wait and recieve feedback!!




In this re-evaluation process I included "pathway" inside the portfolio because it is the path I am following to finish the portfolio and the diploma. I also added the language selection to be able to switch from english to italian and eventually other languages. A photo gallery is available to see all the images from this website.Finally,I added some quick links,called "Resources", to the major permaculture websites to consult has a resource.




I think it will be usefull to add to the webpage some services like: Weather forecast,an eco calculator for printing brochures,business cards etc.,a widget to donate to PRI Australia to develop the  worldwide permaculture network database. And finally the statistics of the website with the number of people on line.






Home page layout


Designs page

Comments (8)

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Elena Parmiggiani
Elena Parmiggiani : Beautiful job!
Posted over 13 years ago

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superglue expert
superglue expert : Pietro, your website is a great example of applying permaculture principles to design. The spiral pattern you used for the navigation is brilliant - it helps focus attention and energy in the center while also distributing tools efficiently. I like how you documented your thorough design process as well. This will be a helpful resource for others learning permaculture design.

On a related note, I recently installed a stainless steel sink in my granite countertop kitchen. I found that a high-quality silicone adhesive designed for metal and stone works best to adhere the stainless steel sink securely to the granite countertop. It creates a waterproof seal that flexes as needed. Just make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions closely. Best of luck as you continue developing your website portfolio!

Let me know if you would like me to modify the comment further. I aimed to provide relevant feedback on Pietro's design process and permaculture website, while also tying in a related comment about selecting the best adhesive for stainless steel sink to granite.
Posted about 1 year ago

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rosy rosydam
rosy rosydam : geometry dash isn't just a game; it's a journey, an odyssey that will captivate your senses and challenge your skills. From the moment you take your first leap as a geometric avatar, you'll be drawn into a world where timing is everything, and perfection is the goal.
Posted about 1 year ago

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amber lyly
amber lyly : I appreciate how you are using the CEAP design process to approach this project. Your focus on collecting information through client interviews and evaluating functions and elements shows your attention to detail about the time card calculator.
Posted 12 months ago

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Kate Wilson
Kate Wilson : Our team is here to help you keep your vehicle running smoothly and reliably. Chicago Mobile Truck Repair
Posted 10 months ago

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Robert Hones
Robert Hones : We are the experts in commercial truck repair and we’re always here to help. Queens Mobile Truck Repair
Posted 10 months ago

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Dale Rodney
Dale Rodney : basket random This was a very insightful and fascinating piece. We appreciate you giving us access to your private ideas.
Posted 10 months ago

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San Concrete
San Concrete : . The most used tool will have assigned more energy and will be positioned in the most visible place,which is in the top part of the web page- 24 hour mobile mechanic
Posted 6 months ago

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With the exception of the ‘Member’ who has never taken a PDC, all of the above can apply to become a PRI PDC Teacher. PRI PDC Teachers are those who the PRI recognise, through a vetting board, as determined and competent to teach the full 72-hour course as developed by Permaculture founder Bill Mollison – covering all the topics of The Designers’ Manual as well as possible (i.e. not cherry picking only aspects the teacher feels most interested or competent in). Such teachers also commit to focussing on the design science, and not including subjective spiritual/metaphysical elements. The reason these items are not included in the PDC curriculum is because they are “belief” based. Permaculture Design education concerns itself with teaching good design based on strategies and techniques which are scientifically provable.

PRI PDC Teachers may be given teaching and/or consultancy offerings as they become available as the network grows.


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