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Discover Farms
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Stader Rd., Whitewater, WI, US
Climate zone:
Cool Temperate

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Discover Farms

Discover Farms

Whitewater, US

dhirt Pike Jyoti Deshpande Laurie Branson

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Swales, Fruit, and Nuts

Project: Discover Farms

Posted by Dale Bunger almost 11 years ago

We followed Mark Shepards methods of establishing on contour swales for a Nut and Fruit polyculture.

I read Mark Shepards book, Restoration Agriculture, and it really worked with my view of how our land should work. We walked the property, did several zone layouts, and came up with our ideal spot to start.

We ended up with 4 swales, completly on contour, and planted 2 different polycultures in alternating rows.

The first and third rows consist of the following:

On top of the berm created by the swale we planted - Currants, Gooseberries, and Jostaberries on 2' centers.

Directly downhill from the swale we planted - Apple/Pear Trees on 24' centers, interplanted with Hazelnut Bushes on 4' centers. We planted a grape vine by each tree.

The second and fourth rows consist of the following:

On top of the berm created by the swale we planted - Red Raspberries and Yellow Raspberries on 2' centers.

Directly downhill from the swale we planted - Chestnut Trees on 12' centers with a grape vine by each tree.

Once we were completed, we mulched the swales heavily and laid down soaker hose to get us through the first year.

Comments (4)

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Jyoti Deshpande
Jyoti Deshpande : Superb. The photographs show exactly as u did it. Thank u so much fr sharing the info. Helps to make making swales a lot easier and cheaper!
Posted almost 11 years ago

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Laurie Branson
Laurie Branson : Great pics! Your land is sloped a lot like ours. Looking forward to more updates as the plants grow in. Lovely property too. Good luck!
Posted almost 11 years ago

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Adrian Winters
Adrian Winters : hello
Posted 4 months ago

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Adrian Winters
Adrian Winters : Here's a great site to play in Australia who is interested - Goldwin, I love to play online, especially when the game concerns this wonderful online site, it is worth the attention of everyone who loves to play cards and slot machines or bets, you definitely have something to find and try here, it is also worth noting the constant bonuses for your online game
Posted 4 months ago

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