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39 Otavi Street
39 Otavi Street
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39 Otavi Street, Swakopmund, NA
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39 Otavi Street

39 Otavi Street

Swakopmund, NA

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Vegetable Garden (Zone 1)

Project: 39 Otavi Street

Posted by Grant Van der Merwe over 10 years ago

Progress. From Start to Current State.

Started project in Sep 2013. My back operation resulted in me needing an assistant to pick up heavy items for me. As such most progress was made every second Sunday when Johannes can to help me. We had to remove large paving blocks to make way for th enew kitchen garden. Some of the blocks were used for a new pathway to a relocated BBQ area.

Being in a desert setting with very little rain, sunken beds were opted for. Two beds were sheet mulched with cardboard and newspapers and filled with rough compost i made myself from horse stable rejects (all the old bedding and horse manure) I got from a stable down the road. Other two beds were made by just mixing the compost in the sunken beds. This was done to experiment what works best - found that not many seeds germinated in the sheet mulched bed, but flourished in the "normal" beds. After carefull examination and observation i found the problem!! Seeds were germinating, but i had a CUTWORM infestation! Needed to get a strategy to get the benificial insects going - bought nursary flower plants to atract other insects and let planted dill go to flower; atracting different types of insects.

This basically covers a whole year, and shows progress of the "vegetable" garden.

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Comments (2)

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lena halminton
lena halminton : I love that! They are just what I need! I appreciate you sharing these amazing and fulfilling experiences with me and with all of you. Have fun with your family and wordle unlimited online.
Posted 7 months ago

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ivy michael
ivy michael : Creating a vegetable garden in Zone 1 has been a rewarding experience for me. The climate and soil conditions allow for a what is gout diverse range of crops, from leafy greens to root vegetables. I've found that companion planting and maintaining healthy soil significantly boosts yields and enhances the overall health of my garden.
Posted 28 days ago

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