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Hudford Farm, WIVELISCOMBE, Select a state, GB
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Martha Cronin Natasha Giddings

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Soil Health; A Living Perspective - one-day workshop with Joel Williams 21st November and 7th December 2015

Project: RegenAg UK

Posted by Natasha Giddings almost 9 years ago

One-day workshop on Optimising Soil Management for Agricultural Productivity - either 21st November 2015, Roehampton University or 7th December 2015, Wardington Manor, Nr Banbury

Proposed Timetable

  • Introduction: The Living Soil
    • Introduction of the main microbe groups.
    • Understanding the role of soil life for soil nutrient supply and crop production.
    • Functions, roles and interactions of microbes in agro-ecosystems.
    • Nutrient cycling, availability and extraction by plants.
    • Influences of plant morphology.
  • Soil Carbon: The centrepiece of soil health
    • Plants, photosynthesis, root exudates and microbes.
    • Carbon sequestration, nutrient access, disease suppression, soil structure, glomalin
    • How to build AMF via management of environment, agronomics, rotations, inoculations, green manures, how to avoid practices that suppress them.
    • Fungi:Bacteria Balance.
    • Soil disturbance/no-till farming – discusses soil carbon sequestration, soil structure, how to offset negative effects of tillage to support soil life.
  • Organic manures and Composts: stabilising nutrients in the landscape while optimising crop supply
    • Manures vs composts.
    • Quality vs Quantity.
    • Manure applications, nutrient content and supplementing soils with additional nutrients.
    • Composting summary – general introduction (temp, O2 etc).
    • Practical account of ‘how to’ to make compost for soil application.
    • Practical manure management and compost making on a time budget.
    • Manure and compost amendments – building carbon and addressing soil deficiencies.
  • Making the most of soil: Understanding soil nutrients and amendments
    • Leveraging existing soil fertility and optimising any purchased inputs.
    • Nutrient behaviour in soils, nutrient synergies/antagonisms.
    • Understanding total, exchangeable, soluble nutrient pools.
    • Slow release, fast release.
    • Biostimulants, biofertilisers, chemical inputs – how these inputs influence soil biology and crop quality.
    • The role of carbon and carbon-input complexes.
  • Where to next?
    • Rethinking minerals and microbes – balancing nutrient supply and soil agro-ecological health in order to optimise photosynthesis, crop quality, pest and disease pressure.
    • Integrated disease management and novel approaches to managing plant immune responses – biostimulants, bioinoculants, compost extracts.  

Video of Joel presenting a few years ago

More information at www.regenag.co.uk

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