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Dar Slimane
Dar Slimane
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Route to Ouarzazate, Marrakech, Marrakech, MA
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Dar Slimane

Dar Slimane

Marrakech, MA

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Hugelkultur v.s. Cardboard

Project: Dar Slimane

Posted by Rachel Jessee about 7 years ago

We are experimenting with different methods to increase water retention and encourage mycorrhizae growth.  We are naking good use of our cardboard by laying down sheets in sunken beds that have already shown signs of mushrooms growth.  The sunken beds have a layer of animal compost then cardboard toped with more compost and a layer of olive tree mulch.  They are being left to sit until next season however we worked around some existing tomato plants.

Our intern from Slovakia helped our native Moroccan gardener learn to make hugelkultures.  One was made with a combintion of pepper tree, olive tree and date palm banches topped with compost, soil and olive tree mulch.  The other was made from a single palm tree trunk topped with compost, soil and olive tree mulch.

Cardboard Sans titre Hugelkulter

Comments (9)

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Antonio Joyce
Antonio Joyce : This article is remarkable and intriguing. You have consistently imparted wonderful things to us. Appreciate that. Simply persist in phrazle generating posts of this nature.
Posted 8 months ago

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Aaron Ramsdale
Aaron Ramsdale : I am happy to use this method. Over time, the results have exceeded my expectations, pokedoku and I couldn't be happier with the flourishing state of my garden.
Posted 8 months ago

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Earl Gregory
Earl Gregory : a great and detailed project, plants are creatures that must really understand what they need to grow x trench run well
Posted 8 months ago

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Victor Patrick
Victor Patrick : Believe me, you are amazing because you use only a few words to inspire others and that is an incredible talent. bitlife game
Posted 8 months ago

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Robert Hones
Robert Hones : There’s no industrial vehicle we can’t fix. That would spoil us, Bud. mobile diesel mechanic
Posted 7 months ago

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Mira Sherronm
Mira Sherronm : Hugelkultur is a gardening technique that involves creating raised beds by layering logs, branches, twigs, leaves, compost, undertale yellow and soil. These layers gradually decompose, creating a nutrient-rich environment for plants.
Posted 7 months ago

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creaksauce stillartiste
creaksauce stillartiste : Prepare yourself for a myriad of thrilling adventures that eagerly beckon you to embark on a journey of exploration.
Posted 7 months ago

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creaksauce stillartiste
creaksauce stillartiste : Prepare yourself for a myriad of thrilling adventures that eagerly beckon you to embark on a journey of exploration. capybara clicker
Posted 7 months ago

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xeniasn xeniusdy
xeniasn xeniusdy : The immersive worlds, diverse Dinosaur Game experiences, and interactive nature of gaming make it a valuable means of escaping the pressures of reality.
Posted 7 months ago

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