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Bayan Ulgii Sustainable Agriculture and Economic Learning
Bayan Ulgii Sustainable Agriculture and Economic Learning
Last updated:
Ulgii soum, Bayan Ulgii Province, MN
Climate zone:
Cold Temperate

Calvin Lawrence Carly Gillham Chelsea Poole Chiel van der Voort David Rivera Ospina Elaine Codling Franek Lazarewicz Gerald Anderson Helder Valente Juraj Marcek Kelly Thorburn kimberly hankins Mark Brown Nuran Abulgazin Richie Farmbrough
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Bayan Ulgii Sustainable Agriculture and Economic Learning

Project Type

Urban, Residential, Community, Philanthropic/aid, Demonstration, Educational, Financial/Economic

Project Summary

The Asia-Pacific Center for Regenerative Design has been contracted by the NGO group ADRA-Monoglia to facilitate a two-week 'Sustainable Agriculture & Economic Learning' course. Southern Cross Permaculture Institute (Australia) will act as an advisor to the project, building upon the knowledge base seeded in the 2010 Mongolian Permaculture Project at Suvraga Aguyt Co-operative in Tosontsengel, Zavkhan Province.

Project Description

The SAEL Project commences on Feb 22, 2011, and will focus on equipping students with practical hands-on training to:

 - design & create their own sustainable backyard permaculture food production systems.

- form Self-Help Groups which will become the foundational support network for resource-sharing, seed-saving, and credit co-operative & future microfinance initiatives.

- start & run regenerative microenterprises serving niche markets available in the soum.


Follow the project's daily log at: theGreenBackpack.net

For more information about the climate-change-related challenges Bayan Ulgii province faces, watch: #73, Bayan Olgii from the 100 Places to Remember project.


Update from the field

Very brief update from field offices; ADRA head offices are now preparing for succession planning as this project ends its funding cycle.

Posted about 11 years ago (0 comments)

SEAL Project awarded 6 hectares for Permacultural development

Ulgii City and Bugat soum Governors award 6 hectares to SEAL PRoject for development as Permaculture Demonstration sites.

Posted almost 14 years ago (0 comments)

Quiet Revolution featured on TransitionVoice.com

A student has expressed interest in converting her broad scale family plot into another broad scale permaculture design for commercial vegetable production. Change is already moving at all levels, all because one person, my boss on this project, took

Posted almost 14 years ago (5 comments)

Chickens in Bayan Ulgii (Day 14)

This flock of 10-12 chickens has been thriving for the last 10 years in this design, laying 5-10 eggs per day from March - October, providing eggs, meat, and baby chickens when need, as well as an additional family income of 300MNT per egg (360,000 - 720,

Posted almost 14 years ago (0 comments)

Composting Toilet Design in Bayan Ulgii

For most of the year, the sewage matter is frozen and so does not create an unpleasant odour or attract flies (though to visiting foreigners, squatting above a frozen pile of faeces pointing at your bum like Vlad the Impaler can be somewhat disconcerting)

Posted about 14 years ago (11 comments)

Backgroun information for Bayan Ulgii SAEL Project

...some background information about SAEL, as described by ADRA-Mongolia, the NGO facilitating the project:

Posted about 14 years ago (4 comments)
Courses Taught Here!
Project Badges
Urban Residential Community Demonstration Educational
Matthew Lynch - Admin
Team Members
Meruert Zulai - Garden Manager 2015 season

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Note: The various badges displayed in people profiles are largely honesty-based self-proclamations by the individuals themselves. There are reporting functions users can use if they know of blatant misrepresentation (for both people and projects). Legitimacy, competency and reputation for all people and projects can be evidenced and/or developed through their providing regular updates on permaculture work they’re involved in, before/after photographs, etc. A spirit of objective nurturing of both people and projects through knowledge/encouragement/inspiration/resource sharing is the aim of the Worldwide Permaculture Network.



A member is a permaculturist who has never taken a PDC course. These cannot become PDC teachers. Members may be novice or highly experienced permaculturists or anywhere in between. Watch their updates for evaluation.

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Permaculture Matchmaker

One of these badges will show if you select your gender and the "I'm single, looking for a permaculture partner" option in your profile.



People who claim to have taken a Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course somewhere in the world.


PDC Verified

People who have entered an email address for the teacher of their PDC course, and have had their PDC status verified by that teacher. Watch their updates for evaluation.



People who’ve taken a Permaculture Research Institute PDC somewhere in the world.


PDC Teacher

People who claim to teach some version of PDC somewhere in the world.


PRI Teacher

With the exception of the ‘Member’ who has never taken a PDC, all of the above can apply to become a PRI PDC Teacher. PRI PDC Teachers are those who the PRI recognise, through a vetting board, as determined and competent to teach the full 72-hour course as developed by Permaculture founder Bill Mollison – covering all the topics of The Designers’ Manual as well as possible (i.e. not cherry picking only aspects the teacher feels most interested or competent in). Such teachers also commit to focussing on the design science, and not including subjective spiritual/metaphysical elements. The reason these items are not included in the PDC curriculum is because they are “belief” based. Permaculture Design education concerns itself with teaching good design based on strategies and techniques which are scientifically provable.

PRI PDC Teachers may be given teaching and/or consultancy offerings as they become available as the network grows.


Aid Worker

The individual with this badge is indicating they are, have, or would like to be involved in permaculture aid work. As such, the individual may or may not have permaculture aid worker experience. Watch their updates for evaluation.



The individual with this badge is indicating they are, have, or would like to do paid permaculture design consultancy work. As such, the individual may or may not have permaculture consultancy experience. Watch their updates for evaluation.


Community Project

Community projects are projects that help develop sustainable community interaction and increase localised resiliency.