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Freezer Burn Compost toilet project
Freezer Burn Compost toilet project
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Undecided, Calgary, Alberta, CA
Climate zone:
Cold Temperate

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Project: Freezer Burn Compost toilet project

Posted by Kevin Longeway about 13 years ago

All is close to ready, just thinking up some structures now.

I have found a very eco friendly carpentry company in Crossfield that has offered me all the saw dust I can cart away. I have a friend building the toilet boxes. I am going tomorrow to get as many of the pails as I can. All that is left is to build the structure to house the two toilets. I am thinking to make the experience better for people, a more sturdy and artistic structure is better than stringing up tarps. So I will work on that this weekend coming up. Once we have things built I will post pictures here.

Comments (2)

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Barbara Worth
Barbara Worth : What is the event the composting toilets are for and when is it? I think they are a great idea. I may actually be in Calgary in about a week. In the past I have worked with the Permaculture crew (Kerrmaculture Krew) at the Kerrville Folk Festival in Texas. But, the last time I did so was in 2007 and at that time we had no composting toilets. We used outhouse-type restrooms and had a local service come from the nearby town and suck it all away. I have been extremely pleased to find them at state offices in the outback of Western Australia, specifically the Conservation Dept. They changed its name and I can't remember what they call it now. These were nicely designed and were open at the top to the clear Aussie sky.
Posted about 13 years ago

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Kevin Longeway
Kevin Longeway : Hello Barbara, I am so sorry I missed this post, I had a very busy couple of weeks at work. I would have loved to have met you and showed you what we had planned. The event was regional Burning man event which is about music, art and community.... so a lot of hippie type people in costumes building and painting stuff lol.

I am going to ask people I know for feedback on their thoughts on using the compost toilets this past weekend and then post it on here. I will also be composting the materials gathered on my parents farm tonight and will keep updated on here of how that goes.
Posted about 13 years ago

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