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Freezer Burn Compost toilet project
Freezer Burn Compost toilet project
Last updated:
Undecided, Calgary, Alberta, CA
Climate zone:
Cold Temperate

Barbara Worth Beckins McLean Dylan Graves Rene Michalak Yone Ward
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Freezer Burn Compost toilet project

Project Type

Rural, Commercial, Community, Demonstration, Educational

Project Summary

Building 2 portalable composting outhouses for community gatherings

Project Description

I am involved in Alberta's local Burning man community and have convinced the volunteer group running our regional local gathering to allow me to build to composting toilets to have at the weekend event as a test. They will change the renting of 6 portapotties (at $800/day) to 4 (unsure of price) and allow me to have 2 composting toilets there. This will act as a test to see if we can convince the community (200-300 attendees) that the compost toilets are a better way to go. This would result in ongoing years having a better result on the enviroment, compostable material and a lower cost to the gathering which would mean more money to give out in art grants.

I am going to make a plan based on the youtube video of the group at Humanurehandbook.com did at a festival in California.

If anyone has any advice please feel free to share. We are expecting 200-300 people at the event, the compost toilets will be near the main bulk of people and the 2 sounds stages as it is harder to get the porta-potties down to that location (in creek valley).

I am offering the Land owner the compost first, if not we were directed there by his friend who is starting an eco-village and I will offer them the compost material second. Both of those options are better, otherwise I will look to haul the buckets from Friday night, Saturday and Sunday morning back to my parents farm about an hour south of the festival.

I am planning to build the outhouse wall frame so that it can be put together at location but haul as flat walls.

My big question will be, will the sealed buckets be ok for ventaltion and moisture if they are shut for 48 hrs before being dumped into compost pile?


The Compost Pile and Hippies need to use more sawdust

I give the details on the Humanure Compost pile I built

Posted about 13 years ago (1 comments)

Successful test

The festival is over and the compost toilets were a success.

Posted about 13 years ago (2 comments)

Checklist is coming along

All is close to ready, just thinking up some structures now.

Posted about 13 years ago (2 comments)
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