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Karuna,, Picklescott, Church Stretton,, Shropshire., GB
01694 751374
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Cold Temperate

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Picklescott, Church Stretton,, GB

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Karuna Low impact development fund appeal

Project: Karuna

Posted by Janta Wheelhouse over 12 years ago

Karuna Permaculture project's successful campaign to gain planning permission for an on-site dwelling now brings us to another major challenge. it is absolutely critical that we are able to raise £45,000 to build the demonstration 'Green dream home'.

The primary aim of Karuna Permaculture project is to educate. We feel It is important that Permaculture practice is adopted holistically. This is the best option we have to sustain ourselves in the long run by moving on from a consumer way of life. When land is worked with minimal oil inputs to produce our food, fuel, medicines and materials we usually require help from others, this clearly demonstrates that true sustainability only exists in community (interdependence). As time passes and we return to natural living purely out of our need to sustain ourselves, Permaculture eco villages and communities will mushroom and truly sustainable, mixed use agriculture, side by side with low impact building will become the norm. This is already becoming a reality in some parts of the world, but right now here in the U.K. out of pure ignorance the planning system that is in place is failing to support the positive shift that is ultimately going to have to take place in order to better our existence and make proper use of the land and a better life for everyone. A Permaculture lifestyle offers innumerable benefits to society as a whole whether it is a personal choice you make or not, you can still support it. Having recently got planning permission for a Roundhouse,(after years of struggle with the authorities) Karuna will be fully demonstrating a lifestyle choice for people who care about bringing some balance to the environment ,the community and the economy. If you believe in seeing Permaculture growth take shape across the country, not just a hobby or interest but as an actual lifestyle you may wish to support Karuna at this critical stage of development by way of donation. Karuna is already demonstrating better land use since implementing it’s ‘recycling’- transformative approach across the 18 acre site. But as all permies know unless we are close to the land/gardens that we work, based in zone zero, Permaculture doesn’t work to its full potential, (Energy waste). Understanding the need to live and demonstrate Permaculture’s holistic approach and being financially poor we had no choice but to sell our home In West Wales to enable us to acquire a parcel of land (Karuna).We wanted to show just how rapid transformation can be, by starting from scratch, purchasing open mono culture land, restoring and improving it by developing a series of forest gardens ,reforestation and horticultural areas. Sharing the example with others to encourage and inspire them to embrace Permaculture as a creative , holistic way of life. This involved massive financial risk on our part, investing ALL our life’s savings into a model project to inspire those with a deeper interest in living a more meaningful way of life where working with nature is paramount . After many years of traumatic struggle with planning authorities through appeals processes, local and high court appearances we have learned that the planning system is in many ways working against those of us who want to see a better world take shape. But it is not all grim, some planning departments,(or even individuals within the departments who have influence) in some counties are more open to supporting a positive future than others. The Karuna affordable roundhouse building project aims to take a leap forward for Low impact building development by bringing it into the mainstream. This is because it is going to be fully compliant with building regulations (in reality this makes it less affordable, we know of many people who have built safe sound homes for a few thousand pounds off grid and out of the system). But we have been drawn into the system and forced to design and build a house which is fully compliant with all the systems rules and regulations so this seems to be our destiny and we want to show that it is possible to live and work compassionately upon the land. We want to show the mainstream public that Permaculture/Low impact lifestyle and building is attainable, affordable and highly attractive and of course sensible and necessary in these times .If we can do that our 5 years of constant struggle with the authorities will at least not have been in vain. If you wish to donate and find out more about the Karuna Low impact development fund appeal. Please follow this link http://www.karuna.org.uk/index.php?pageid=56 You will see that there are also other ways in which you can help this project flourish. Many thanks Janta & Merav.


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