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Posted by Michael Roberts over 12 years ago
Went to Torio in September and saw the ANAM consultant, a nice guy that looked at the project and gave the go ahead to build. I didn't appreciate how much detail one needed to spend on the architects drawings and details until know.
Work will start I hope in December. There have been many changes in the are since I was there last time.Los Islotes have improved the road; a consortium is going to build a sort of CLubMed and there are two french guys building a restaurant.
Building should take upto a year. I have decided to make a ecoSpa and I am negotiating with a land owner if they can give me a piece of land to do my food flood forest concept. I gave a lot of tought to creating a fullfy sustainable water garden producing mainly asiatic food, bamboo, water chestnut, lotus root and lilies and water cress etc. I decided that a main crop I need for the rstaurnat would be palms heart.
I have bought the tibetan bowls and they sound great next year I will take an intensive course in Shiatsu and Qi Massage. That plus teh QiGong I leanrt before should help in the spa.
I met a "stray cat", a really lovely girl from Equator that accepted my sponsorship offer, she is learning english in Wall Street Institute and will be attending a Parisien Beautician school. I hope she will help me run the spa and the hotel. She is a wonderful person, joyful and extremely honest and kind. Time will tell if she comes to Panama. if she doesn't it doesn't matter I would have helped her out of her situation. I am happy to see that people like her still exist in the world. I will post a video later on.
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