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Posted by Vitaliya Lazorkina over 11 years ago
Main teachers:
Bohdan Popov (Ukraine) − a practicing ecologist, designer, teacher of ecology and permaculture, blacksmith, director of the School of Traditional Blacksmithing,developer and teacher of an original techniques in blacksmith art.
Karbelashvili Zurab (Georgia) − an expert and consultant in the field of organic agriculture and rural tourism, author of books, manuals and training courses in organic and bio-dynamic agriculture for farmers, permaculture teacher.
Assistant teachers: Tetiana Chuchko (Public Union "Permaculture in Ukraine")
Winter is a great time for studies, when gardening and building season finished, we may give attention studying new information in the good company of like-minded people.
This course is unique since it will be taught by the post Soviet Union permaculture pioneers Zurab Karbelashvili and Bogdan Popov, both having long permaculture experience beginning from early 90-ies. This is real permaculture adopted to the local conditions, filled with local content, and absorbed the elements of traditional eastern Slavic and Georgian culture. The lectures will be based greatly on the local materials gathered by the course teachers during their research and design activity.
The city of Lviv was chosen as a place to hold the course not by accident. To a great extent the lectures will be devoted to the the permaculture design opportunities in urban conditions – not only in regard of designing material systems but also as sustainable social strategies, aimed at making the making the urban environment more acceptable for human inhabitancy and lessen the negative impact it creates on surrounding natural and social systems.
After lectures the course participants will have the opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of pre-Christmas Lviv, enjoy it ancient architecture and visit various museums and cultural events. Upon completion of the course participants will receive a Permaculture Design Certificate.
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