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Posted by kurt rodrigue almost 11 years ago
After a couple years i'm trying again this year. The nuts, mulberries, some pears, all the plums, and apricots have died. Apples, a few pears, blueberries, raspberries, haskaps, currants, a cherry tree (Mongolian), and blackberries have survived so far. Its a really tough spot here. I should have only purchased zone 2 and 3 berry bushes in the place of the nuts, apricots, and mulberries. So I have a whole new list of plants that I want to plant: Seaberry, Aronia, Serviceberry, Saskatoonberry, Elderberry, Gooseberries, Thimbleberries, Sumacberries, Coralberry, Rogosa Roses, and the list goes on. Unfortunately at this point I don't have the funds to pay for these, so I am going to focus on design and soil building for future plantings.
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