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Posted by Martín Alejandro Hidalgo Romoleroux almost 3 years ago
We are a family living in Quito Ecuador in a town called Cumbaya, with an enyoable warm weather, we are working in a permacultural proyect with a hydric design starting with the phytodepuration of the grey water from the kitchen and ending in a quite big pond for reuse this water in the orchards, five in total to grow the huge diversity of plants for food that grows in our land, also to improve the diversity of flowers for atract polinzators. The proces of compost is always in practice and vermicompost too. In the plan is to have bees colonies with the tecnic of top bar hive. We also have some fruit trees despite the space is not too big but it works. My name is Martín and at the moment I´am also studying Biology in an university to follow the process of formation in education which is part of all.
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Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course |
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course |
Teacher: Markos Toscano Morales |
Location: Quito, Ecuador |
Date: Sep 2019 |