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lew how 's Profile
lew how
kalumpang, selangor, Malaysia
Climate Zone:
Wet Tropical

My Projects

(projects i'm involved in)

Geoff Lawton
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About lew how

I am a medical doctor practising conventional and holistic medicine in Malaysia. Presently I work as a locum to generate fund for my permaculture projects.

Born with my childhood spent mostly in the Malaysian tropical rainforest and schooled in a small town. I am a Nature's boy, loved fishing/ catching birds and spiders, swimming in rivers and wallowing in muddy pools in my boyhood days. In the course of my holistic training/exposure, I learnedand loved to listen to the musical sounds of Nature: rustling of leaves,the roaring of wind through the jungle/forest, the dripping sounds of rain drops from trees and roofs,the distant howling of my canine friends etc. And also tree hugging.Incorpiorating Carl Sagan 's thesis on Starstuff or Star Dust , the buddhist teaching of emptiness and form, microbial transmutation of elements and the prediction of the Higgs - Boson
particle ( God Particle ), the thought form of the plasmic recycling of the 13 billion year old stardust,from which all extant things on earth
originated, materialised.The big picture of this thoughtform is Permaculture .

I am presently growing local vegetables in hanging bamboo stems ( 4" to " in diameter ) horizontally - 9 to 14 feet in length
with paddy husk, cocoa fibre and coconut fibre ( pulverised )I also planted different types of vegetables in the rotting tree stumps where termites colonised. I am now piling all rotting wooden planks ,vegetations in pits which later to be filled with earth with all plastic components removed.
I am installing solar panel ( off grid ) and water turbine energy generating systems for the regulated sprinkling of water for these plants. The streams I created draw water from the 4 ponds built for .landscaping. I rear fish and turtles in these ponds


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