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Ulf Akerlind 's Profile
Ulf Akerlind
Los Angeles, California, United States
Climate Zone:
Semi Arid

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(projects i'm involved in)

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About Ulf Akerlind

I am 23 year old Swede/American studying Computer Science and Physics in Los Angeles, I also produce music.

Donella Meadows' book "Limit to Growth" got me interested in understanding what it takes for someone to want to learn about systems dynamics and its practical applications such as permaculture and city planning.

While I was having a conversation with a person at a music festival, who wished to create her own music festival that left the place in a better state, it struck me that music festivals, or festivals in general could be a great place for inviting people to learn something new.

My intentions:
Create a music festival in parallel to a permaculture project. In broad strokes, the project enables anyone to contribute (by bringing biomass from their home, and maybe using the leftovers from the honey buckets for manure (just a thought) for sheet mulch), giving the curious beginners room to ask questions about the permaculture process and lifestyle.

Lastly, I want to develop internet of things system for monitoring (soil moisture, heat, sunlight etc) and watering the site, as well as give people out on the internet a web space to follow the development of the permaculture project as well as follow a blog section that teaches sustainability on a weekly basis

Location is up in the air. I am currently talking to festival organizers to either assist this idea or let me aid their festival


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