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Ebony Barnes 's Profile
Ebony Barnes
Oklahoma City, OK, United States
Climate Zone:
Warm Temperate

My Projects

(projects i'm involved in)

Geoff Lawton
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About Ebony Barnes

I am 22. I practice yoga, attempting gardening, and work at a small Thai Restuarant. I have many projects from Upholestering to making tables from Cardboard and Paper Mache.
While studying in college I realized that there was nothing I was particularly interested in for a life career. I decided to leave and enroll at the Vo-Tech to study Carpentry (6 months ago). I have always loved working with my hands, and from there I started researching apprenticeships. I just happened to stumble across Natural Building and from then I became hooked. (About 3 months ago) Since then I have been scouring the internet for anything and everything.
I have not had an opportunity to get my hands dirty yet. I would like to live/work in an intentional community. I would like to travel around and experience many different walks of life. I am currently working and saving up money, so that I can travel around.


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