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Maaike van Vliet 's Profile
Maaike van Vliet
Willemstad, CuraƧao
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About Maaike van Vliet

I love to design. Whether it's a piece of furniture, an ecological house or another tailor-made object.

I mayored as an Interior Architect at the Willem de Kooning Academy of Arts in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, and am very passionate about designing a space or object that gives you a feeling like it always belonged there, with you in it.

I first found out about Permaculture after reading about Michael Reynolds and his Earthships. I got so inspired that I started reading and watching everything there was to know about the so-called 'alternative' methods of designing and building houses. This lead me to natural building and Permaculture design.

I have just had a chance to purchase an hectare (2,5 acres) of land with a good friend. We plan on starting a permaculture farm, wit aquaponics and a food forest and of course a vegetable garden near the house.

We will in due time also implement solar panels and compost toilet and different water harvesting systems to be able to live completely self-sustainable and off grid.

In January 15 2016 we will move there and start our adventure and report on it on my website: www.mad-work.com

Stay tuned!


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