Ever since high school years the idea of how our ancestors lived in the harsh climates with health and strength, I have been reflecting on that notion and contrasting with current urbanized life.
I became intrigued with the concept of self-reliance when it hit me how unstable and unsustainable our nation's system (economic and otherwise). Then at the university level it started affecting my choices, and finally I became obsessed with the idea of becoming self-sufficient after I became a professional pediatrics Physiotherapist.
Currently I am working on establishing a model for our local community on how to create such system using my house (still under processing), after taking PDC in Jordan with both mentors Geoff Lawton and Rhamiz Kent. Ultimately my life goal is to create a sustainable rehabilitation city merging what I have learned from both worlds, and one step at a time we are going there.
Few promising projects have emerge in Kuwait but unfortunately most did not go through and the rest are still under processing as the local community is still conditioned toward classical business and traditional agriculture mind-set.
Hopefully I get a chance later to translate this bio in Arabic : )
PDC Jordan 2015 |
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course |
Verifying teacher: Geoff Lawton |
Other Teachers: Rhamis Kent |
Location: Jordan |
Date: Apr 2015 |
Type: Geoff Lawton Online PDC |
Teacher: Geoff Lawton |
Location: Online |
Date: Jan 2017 |