Observe to learn balance my life between nature and nurture. Life has proven all kinds disasters being offset by Compassion, Love, Kindness, Acceptance, Patience, Understanding, and Tolerance. Trust takes time to attain and is crucial in life, public and private. Critical thinking, reductio ad absurdum, research methods of your choice. Preserve your rights and liberties through organized movements by convincing one person at-a-time without pressure of any kind, especially by peers. Encourage to find solutions. Practice of acceptance, tolerance, and coexistence will be a worthwhile challenge to prevent dwelling on past and current missteps for genuine progress being aware I will never be impeccable! ?"Awareness through communication to the uniformed, most importantly when they are receptive. Approach and delivery of any message takes time and practice that can succeed through forming a nurturing network from all walks of life." ~ Max Rafael Waller