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Emma Gaskill 's Profile
Emma Gaskill
Climate Zone:
Wet Tropical
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About Emma Gaskill

I grew up inbetween the city of Bogota, Colombia and Guatavita a small town with a strong indigenous background and sacred indigenous lake. At a young age I began to practice permacutlure, as I picked berries and apples from the families orchards. Later in life I decided to get a B.A in Community Studies focusing in Sustainable Agriculture and a second B.A in Latin American Studies focusing in thigenous population at the University of California Santa Cruz. I participated as a volunteer in several ecovillages and sustainable projects, such as Inan Itah in Nicaragua, and Aldeafeliz. I also learned other permaculture practices such as bikemachines, composting toilets, and other practices from indigenous tribes such as the Waunan, Cocama, and Arhuaco- Kogi. I decided to live in a healthy relation with the living earth to make a prosperous and clean planet for the next generations to come. I am currently living at the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta foothills, a strong energetic center where I practice permaculture, I farm and construct cob houses, implement dry toilets among other projects here at the eco-family with tje prospect of becoming an eco-village.


My Badges
My Permaculture Qualifications
Other course unverified
B.A Community Studies focusing in sustainable agricultureand alternative food movements, international political economy of food and agriculture,
Type: Other
Teacher: Julie Guthman
Location: University of California Santa Cruz
Date: Dec 2007
Other course unverified
Sustainability at an ecovillage-projects
Type: Internship
Teacher: Carlos Rojas
Location: Aldea feliz, San Francisco, Colombia
Date: Jun 2009

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