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Posted by Kinch Reindl about 10 years ago
This fall we planted 50 pounds of hard neck garlic to see how it likes the soil at the farm. Garlic takes a lot of work and time to plant and being an annual it has to be dug up and planted again. Planting it reminded me how much I like perennials. And tilling prairie grass land is a lot of work.
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We also now have two miniature hereford heifers who are doing their best to improve the soil with their manure. We will use them in a holistic management and mob grazing fashion this next year to improve their soil over the entire property. Right now they are in between the two original food forest swales.
We also have brought out more leaves to compost and to cover any bare soil they land on. Some of the leaves were spread out over the asparagus trenches where they can compost over the winter.
The bur oaks that were planted this year looked to be doing great at the start of fall with only one dying.
The ponderosa pines planted along the north side of the property nearly all died with one of maybe 20 making it to the fall. A few of the ponderosa pines on the west side also survived.
The pinion pines fared ok with maybe half of them surviving to the fall.
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Permaculture Design |
Type: Online Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) Course |
Teacher: Geoff Lawton |
Location: Online |
Date: Mar 2013 |