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Posted by Andrew Sutton almost 10 years ago
The design for this project keeps evolving and changing with less than a month till the dozer and excuvature arrive.
Stage one using two machines in the photo below had lots of advantages. These machines were smaller than i hoped to get but they were local and ready to go so i bit the bullet and went with them. Very pleased to be able to say it all went well. The excavator did seventy meteres of swale an hour so at $125 an hour i was happy.
Stage one first dam the highest dam was a challenge a rock seem ran across the gully were the wall would be. Now i desided to go ahead with construction of it as it was the highest possible piont to slow and spread the water which would back up through the boundary fence. i took the view that even though i thought it would not hold water it would spread it before it leaked through the wall. Graig the the machine opperator said no it will hold well its got a massive battered wal and it holds water very well.
More on stage on latter
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