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Posted by Merili Simmer about 7 years ago
Dear Permies,
We are an intentional community in the centre of Estonia called Väike Jalajälg (Small Footprint). This autumn and winter we are in the process of making permaculture design for the land. We are now looking for a consultant with both permaculture and community background to have some outsider’s views and thoughts to complement our own (we would most need help with water management, soil restoration, designing the possibilities, avoiding type 1 errors).
We would like to have a couple of talks over Skype with the materials we have already prepared. Also 1 or 2 days on site in the beginning of February to discuss the design in more detail. In addition, we would love to organise a 1 or 2-day permaculture workshop. We can discuss the details of the workshop later.
The main aim of our community is to develop an eco-village that is a holistic model of sustainability. The community was established in 2014 and is home for 13 grown-ups and 8 children living in the village. We have 33 ha of land, including 28 ha fields, old orchard, park and 8 funcional buildings. We have hosted 600 shorter and longer term visitors per year taking part in the trainings and other public events. We offer courses and develop everyday practices on all four aspects of sustainability - ecological, economical, social and world view. We have set up a small organic garden, which partly provides our food. Also we have established a small community school with a group of eight children in different ages acquiring primary education and a couple of local companies are operating in the village. We organise regular talking circles and practices to support mindfulness and personal accountability of our members. We are located in rural Estonia, 70 km from the capital Tallinn.
If You feel You could help us (we are able to also provide some fee for the consultant) in any way please contact us as soon as possible. Or if You somebody who would be suitable, please forward the letter. We are grateful for responses to this call before 17th of December 2017.
Merili Simmer and Liina Järviste
Small Footprint community
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Permaculture Design Certificate |
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course |
Verifying teacher: Aranya Austin |
Other Teachers: Mari Korhonen |
Location: Turku, Finland |
Date: Aug 2011 |
Permaculture Design Certificate |
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course |
Verifying teacher: Albert Bates |
Other Teachers: Klaudia van Gool, Maria Martinez Ros |
Location: Lilleoru, Estonia |
Date: Oct 2011 |