I am Kathy, a 49 year old massage therapist, nutritionist and horticulturalist who loves everything that is nature oriented and healthy! I studied and obtained two AAS Degrees in Landscape Design and Nursery Management through the Omaha Community College in Nebraska and a BS in Holistic Nutrition / Herbology through Clayton College of Natural Health. My massage diploma was obtained from Missouri College in St. Louis, Missouri and am currently licensed in Missouri and Arkansas.
It is because of my love of horticulture I quickly became interested in and grasped the aspects permaculture. I have researched the topic via the net and would love to apply permaculture to my own property. Although I haven't taken a course yet, I have checked into it for my area.
My 2nd born son, Robert and I are purchasing through a friend of mine this past August 2011, almost 10 acres, which has about 8 acres useable for us. It has a home I am currently taking down to the skeleton and redoing with a "Natural" intent in mind for myself. We have a mini-barn for my goats and fowl, a cistern and a well with a pump I would like to make available for our use via solar means. The property is covered with pine trees, various weed trees, useable sumac, walnut, an old pear tree and kudzu taking over everywhere! Our intentions are to live self-suffiently on the property in our own homes and I hope to have a massage/nutrition-horticulture based home business.