A dreamer, a visionary and a watcher. Amandine was called from an early age by the philosophy of Life and Nature, from the most contemplative ways to hands-on-earth practices. With a background in Environmental Engª with Ecology and Ecosystem Regeneration Master’s degree, the path proved to explore unconventional and pioneering territories in the area of practical sustainability and building communities for resilience.
For several years she deeply practiced and trained permaculture, agroecology & forestry and immersed in social realms with the Transition movement. A catalyst for the Transition Portuguese network in the starting years, a co-founder of Initiatives and a trainer for Transition. Co-founder of an Ecovillage where she lived for many years in a deep and challenging community experience, she got skilled in multi-subjects giving her diverse abilities and some relevant projects such as a Local Cooperative and the Educational Center for reskilling and practical Sustainability.
Recently she’s been exploring ways of strengthening collaborative paths, facilitating and supporting projects as a trainer and an environmental and\or integrative counsellor, supported by shared governance methods (e.g sociocracy and hybrid models), systemic thinking approaches, emergent paths and regenerative practices. At this moment, she is trained and works as a tutor for Municipalities in Transition and co-acts in the resurgence of the Portuguese Transition Hub. Locally and volunteering involved in non-profit organisations for cultural and social justice, citizenship and active participation, including building resilient communities.
In parallel, she deeply explores Inner Transition realms from traditional wisdom philosophies to current synergies and integrative approaches, strongly anchored by constant philosophy of we as beings and deep contemplation. Being a yoga and meditation teacher for several years, she is currently and actively involved in the emergence and re-integration of the Feminine Path, strongly guided by an open philosophy of Life and Nature.