I am 26 years old and I have been doing wwoof style work for about four years off and on during the summers and winters. I have experience working on farms and am accustomed to the ammount of work it takes to keep things running smoothly. My peers and supervisors often say that I have a great work ethic, and I would drescribe myself as highly motivated. Through my past experiences I have learned many things, work and non work related, and I look forward to the experiences and knowledge of continuing my study of permaculture and bio-dynamics. I am deeply interested in living a consicous life one that encorperates and understanding of what the body needs to thrive. I feel that fresh grown foods and work with the land that grows them is a vital experience and way of life for humanity. I deeply desire to build on my study of working with the Earth.
Work related, I have experience working with soils and have a understanding of the life and balance within the soil. I have worked with a variety of composting techniques, and am familiar with various fertilizing techniques. I have spent most my learning the basics of farming while incorporating permaculture techniques. I know many temperate zone plants and have made a couple small scale gardens of my own. I recieved a certificate in Permaculture design in 2010. In 2010 I spent the winter and following spring in the sub tropics and learned about a couple of the local plants and gained a understanding of how fast things grow in that climate zone. After that experience I feel more familiar with tropical permaculture techniques and am enthusiastic to learn more.
Personally, I enjoy expanding my horizons and perspectives. I am always open to learning new ways of doing things and seeing alternative ways to approach a situtation. I am very interested in Vedic and Sufi traditions. I am a devotee of Ammachi and feel that my devotion towards her is guiding my life to purfy and deepen my intentions within my daily activites. Beyond this I keep busy by learning to play ukulele, my native american flute, and copious amounts of reading; fiction and non-fiction. This summer I was living in Portland working for a company called Guildworks raising canopies for music festivals, homes and businesses
Mahalo nui loa,
Kyle Taylor
Permaculture Design Course |
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course |
Verifying teacher: Michael Pilarski |
Other Teachers: Josho Somine, Andrew Millison |
Location: Twisp, Washington |
Date: Jan 2010 |