I grew up in a village in the swiss Alps, we used to spend lot of time playing, walking, harvesting in the beautiful nature. I studied anthropoly with a big interest for ethnobotanic, so I started a course about wild plants and their uses.
I discovered permaculture through a course about agriculture and it directly talked to me, so I decided to go to Aotearoa, NZ to learn more about it through some wwoofing experiences and a PDC with Robina and Gary!
In october(2012) I came out of 2 months' experience of primitive lifestyle in the canadian forests of Yukon. Where I learned how to hunt with bows that we made, built primitive shelters and lit fire in several primitive ways. it was an experience that gave me the opportunity to root my desire to live as simply as possible with people sharing this value.
Originaire de leysin, je m en suis allee promener de l autre cote de la terre pour decouvrir et pratiquer la permaculture. ENfin, il s agit tout autant d un etat d esprit que d une pratique! Cette annee je decouvre et m enrichis afin de pouvoir par la suite mettre en place, creer avec d autres, un projet de permaculture en Suisse. Alors au plaisir des nouvelles rencontres!
"kia kotahi ra"