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Elizabeta Jovanovska
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Skopje, Macedonia, Republic of
Climate Zone:
Warm Temperate

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Posted by Elizabeta Jovanovska over 13 years ago

Kalen is inviting you to Kalenova; a week devoted to exploring and expanding own potentials and interests. This event will take place from 2 to 8 September 2011, on Kitka mountain, Macedonia.

Kalenova has been designed as an inspiring low-cost high-energy learning adventure for around 30 people, lasting 7 days. The aim is to awaken your inner wisdom, sense of balance and calm, as well as to nurture more harmonious interaction with other beings and nature.

The workshops offered are varied, grouped under the Nature,Creativity, and Self-development themes. They give opportunity for interacting with nature, the others and working on self. Starting fromnature awareness and survival skills, as well as cooking workshop, moving onto voice release, yoga and Chi Gong, and also combining creativity and invention through a symbol art workshop, intuitive theatre and contact improvisation movement technique.

After registration, each of you will be able to choose to follow three from the nine suggested workshops, each lasting for two hours a day. Variety is encouraged – meaning each should ideally choose from one Nature, one Self-development and one Creativity workshop, therefore having possibility to work on different aspects of the Whole.

There will be various activities during the evenings, such as music, film, talks, guest sessions, shadow theatre, yoga nidra, laughter yoga, dance, sweat lodge, fire circle, etc.

The programme structure does not give much free time, but there will be lots of relaxation and movement throughout the day and as part of some workshops. The day starts with an optional meditation, Tai Chi, the Five Tibetans or dynamic meditation as per interest.

The food will be simple but balanced vegan/vegetarian meals, with lots of fresh veggies and fruits. The aim is to provide a chance to the body to revitalize itself as well, in addition to the outer intensive programme.

Working language would be English or Macedonian, depending on the groups and the trainers. Also possible use of Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian etc, depending on the structure of the group.
The accommodation is in bungalows or own tents. The weather forecast for September is sunny and pleasant, no rain.

The price for KALENOVA is based on a sliding scale fees structure and varies from 8,000 MKD to 10,400 MKD (130-170 EUR). With your help, we are working on creating a scholarship fund for the ones who cannot contribute the full amount for the event.

If interested to be part of this unique experience, please fill in the application form at http://goo.gl/QZlVf. For more information, please contact platforma.kalen at gmail.com.


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Consultant Aid worker
My Permaculture Qualifications
72h Permaculture Design Course
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Verifying teacher: Suncana Pesak
Other Teachers: Bruno Motik, Ivan Gregov, Drazen Simlesa
Location: Skopje
Date: Mar 2011

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