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O FOJO Permaculture | Integral Education Center
O FOJO Permaculture | Integral Education Center
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Caminho do Fojo, 17, Fojo, Leiria, PT
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Alexandre Manuel Oliveira Bruno  Nunes Bruno Tambellini Carlos B Cláudia Martins Claudian Dobos Esat Türkoglu filipa leal Filipa Santos Filipa Simoes Francisca  Schouten Francisco Amaral Gonçalo Pais Harry Wykman Iordanis Charalampides João Mineiro João Tomás Joao Carlos Leitao Jorge Coelho Kjell Doggen Maria Fernanda Silva Marijtje Mulder Maximilian Meister Miguel Ângelo Leal Millo Magnocavallo Nataliex Hunt Patricia Serodio Pedro Horta Rita Tojal Rodrigo Paisana ruth gabriel Samuel Lauwers Simão Pedro Tiago Lucena Tiago Santos Tiago Amado Simões Vanessa Monge Augusto Fernandes Wendy Howard Xana Macedo

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100 Hours+ Certified Permaculture Design Course at O Fojo Permaculture Integral Education Center | Portugal

Project: O FOJO Permaculture | Integral Education Center

Posted by Maurício Umann about 9 years ago

From March 19th to April 3rd 2016 | Portugal
With Maurício Umann and Claudian Dobos

About Permaculture
Permaculture is a design theory and practice that seeks to develop ecological farming systems and sustainable human settlements in an attempt to shape after natural ecosystems.

What is a PDC?
PDC Permaculture Design Course is a course is modeled for 72 hours and addressing key themes and core of Permaculture. In this case, 100 hours will be allocated to Permaculture and other tools and fields of knowledge like communities, personal coaching, communication, etc.
This course will give students a Permaculture Design Certificate, and access to the Permaculture Diploma Process.

Maurício Umann (MU)
A Permaculture Diplomate and teacher with a deep theoretical and practical experience in Permaculture, Natural Building and communitie's practices, setting up projects in urban spaces, amazon landscapes, mediterranean spaces, cold climate, and subtropical spaces, practical or theoretical since 2005. He is passionate about bio-contruction and earthworks.
With a multicultural experience, established in Portugal the Integral Education Center “O’Fojo Permaculture”, he is also the author of the book Permaculture | Introductory Course, editet in portuguese and now being translated to english, romenian, spanish and french.

Claudian Dobos
Since 2009 when he did his PDC with Max Lindegger (Australia) participated in different permaculture projects in Europe.
Permaculture Teachers Course with Rosemary Morrow (Australia) in Portugal.
He is also a Transition Towns trainer he is active in different ecologic movements and networks.
Since February 2013 he is established in Aurora Community where he is involved in setting-up the Aurora LLC (living and learning center) and specially Aurora Permaculture Research Center.
He is widely active in national and transnational organization related with sustainability, like Global Ecovillage Network, ECOLISE, and Transition Network.
He is co-founder of the Permaculture Research Institute of Romania and member of the European Permaculture Council and of the emerging European Permaculture Network.

The course will take place near the village of Alvaiázere, Leiria, PORTUGAL at O Fojo Permaculture | Integral Education Center. The course will have a residential scheme with camping accomodation facilities. Please bring your own confortable camping material. We suggest to bring a good matress for your own good night sleeping and rest.

How to get there
Information soon available for participants.

The course will begin on the evening of 19th of March and will end after breakfast on 3rd of April 2016. Please be welcome to come on friday 18th to give a hand on preparations or just to arrive and connect calmly to the place.

To properly take advantage of the course, medium to advanced knowledge of English is recommended. It is also a very good and safe environment to improve your english skills. Technical words will be translated into portuguese, if necessary.

480 EUR – Full Board Course
380 EUR – Early Birds fee for portuguese, spanish and greek participants until 1st of March.
280 EUR – Locals from the nearest villages.
10% special offers for couples or groups inscriptions. Must be requested on booking. And it is only applicable over the full fare after 1st of March.

If we achieve 16 participant inscrptions, Facilitators will offer 2 free grant places in the course trough selection process. Please contact us!

The fares should be transferred before the course.
If you need information please contact the organizers.

Besides the course itself and personal tuitions this fee inlcudes:
Camping, hot showers, some design materials and a complete delicious local/bio/vegetarian food cooked by a experienced hired cook.

Who orgnizes this PDC?
The course is organized by:
O Fojo Permaculture and Fertil Caos Events with the support of Aurora Community | Romania.

How to apply?
Please contact us at [email protected]g

Guarantee your place! Be the first ones to make your inscriptions! There are alimited places for this course.

If you really want to know what is a PDC about, check bellow the partial program of the course.

Installing and connecting with the space.

Introduction, venue visit, Permaculture basics, history, ethics, interventions fields.

Morning circle introduction, mind maps, pure observation, Gaia’s theory, System’s theory, natural patterns application in Permaculture Design, Permaculture principles

Biodiversity, yield definition, fluxes, design (element, function, time and resources), reading the landscape, sun path diagram, K-line, K-point, Yeomans plow , Regen Ag.

Chaos Theory and order, dynamic balance exercise, herb spiral, zone 1, seeding, measurements, accesses, zone 5 ,practical project vision, observation skills, art, input/output analysis, microclimates, ethic options in design, compost toilet idea and examples, small groups design exercise, presentations, action learning.

A focused reflection day, individual design exercise, community made day, Forum.

Visit’s day. Trees and their interaction, forest formation and layers, agroforestry, food forests, forest gardens, land regeneration, animals in Permaculture, attract animal strategies, agriculture in Permaculture, raised beds, instant garden, companion plants, weeds, organic agriculture vs Permaculture, wind barriers.

Water conscience, water laws in permaculture, roof catchment, pond sizes, Sepp Holzer’s technics, rules for ponds, water systems, water plants, aquaculture, fish systems (plants and animals), aquaculture, hydroponics, aquaponics, self-forage systems, hands on A-frame, swale digging, self-reflection.

Earth connection, soil introduction, erosion, paedogenesis, earth resources, earthworks, soil types, soil sampling, soil identification, plants and soils, climate strategies introduction, compost making, vermicomposting, tree planting + humid cool to cold climates + tropical to subtropical strategies + land regeneration + animals in Permaculture + film at night.

Introduction to bioconstruction, companionship technologies, materials, bioclimatic architecture, solar passive house, green roof, trombre wall, alternative technologies, thermal mass owen, rocket stove, hands on cob construction, personal outline design exercise.

Second focused reflection or Free day.

Urban Permaculture, design methodologies (OBREDIM, SATIMET, PASTE, etc.), implementation process, maintenance, map reading, surveying, sand pit projects design by students (model), group design strategies, project definition, client interview.

Bioregions, intentional communities, choosing, ecovillages, legal structures, associations, cooperatives, academies, invisible structures, conflict, decision processes .

Economy, ethical investments, ethical banks, credit cooperatives, alternative money, community economy, LETS.

Local vs global, personal local achievement diagram, self-authentication, quality and education, action learning, teaching Permaculture, diploma systems, design presentations, brief revision of the course, diploma assessment, celebration.

You are so invited to take part in a multicultural environment, a life implementing Permaculture Project and gorgeous food at
O FOJO Permaculture | Portugal!

This is a life-changing experience. Are you in?

Please invite your friends to this event at facebook!

Please contact us at [email protected]g for more informations!

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Note: The various badges displayed in people profiles are largely honesty-based self-proclamations by the individuals themselves. There are reporting functions users can use if they know of blatant misrepresentation (for both people and projects). Legitimacy, competency and reputation for all people and projects can be evidenced and/or developed through their providing regular updates on permaculture work they’re involved in, before/after photographs, etc. A spirit of objective nurturing of both people and projects through knowledge/encouragement/inspiration/resource sharing is the aim of the Worldwide Permaculture Network.



A member is a permaculturist who has never taken a PDC course. These cannot become PDC teachers. Members may be novice or highly experienced permaculturists or anywhere in between. Watch their updates for evaluation.

Male memberFemale member

Permaculture Matchmaker

One of these badges will show if you select your gender and the "I'm single, looking for a permaculture partner" option in your profile.



People who claim to have taken a Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course somewhere in the world.


PDC Verified

People who have entered an email address for the teacher of their PDC course, and have had their PDC status verified by that teacher. Watch their updates for evaluation.



People who’ve taken a Permaculture Research Institute PDC somewhere in the world.


PDC Teacher

People who claim to teach some version of PDC somewhere in the world.


PRI Teacher

With the exception of the ‘Member’ who has never taken a PDC, all of the above can apply to become a PRI PDC Teacher. PRI PDC Teachers are those who the PRI recognise, through a vetting board, as determined and competent to teach the full 72-hour course as developed by Permaculture founder Bill Mollison – covering all the topics of The Designers’ Manual as well as possible (i.e. not cherry picking only aspects the teacher feels most interested or competent in). Such teachers also commit to focussing on the design science, and not including subjective spiritual/metaphysical elements. The reason these items are not included in the PDC curriculum is because they are “belief” based. Permaculture Design education concerns itself with teaching good design based on strategies and techniques which are scientifically provable.

PRI PDC Teachers may be given teaching and/or consultancy offerings as they become available as the network grows.


Aid Worker

The individual with this badge is indicating they are, have, or would like to be involved in permaculture aid work. As such, the individual may or may not have permaculture aid worker experience. Watch their updates for evaluation.



The individual with this badge is indicating they are, have, or would like to do paid permaculture design consultancy work. As such, the individual may or may not have permaculture consultancy experience. Watch their updates for evaluation.


Community Project

Community projects are projects that help develop sustainable community interaction and increase localised resiliency.

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