After graduation from the University of Hong Kong majoring in Environmental Life Science (mainly studied Ecology and Biodiversity), I worked as a Park Ranger Trainee in the Agriculture, Fisher and Conservation Department of HK Government. I went hiking in different country parks and love being in nature. I joined Leisure and Culture Services Department of HK Government as Horticultural Trainee and helped in day-to-day gardening works in a park. After that, I joined a Landscape consultant firm Urbis as assistant and worked there for about six years. My job as a Horticulturist in Urbis is mainly conducting tree survey and doing site inspection. I acquired knowledge on how to use plant species on landscape design and enhanced my knowledge in Plant Identification.
I came across Permaculture in around 2003 as I met some alternative minded people. I got a copy of Introduction to Permaculture in Chinese and was fascinated by the concept but not quite understand it. In 2011, I completed a 13 days Permaculture Design Course organized by Hong Kong Permaculture Institute. Through the course I gained more understanding of Permaculture and met many liked minded people.
In September 2012, I finished the 10 week Permaculture Internship organised by Permaculture Research Institute of Australia. The experiences gained in Zaytuna Farm enhance my knowledge of Permaculture.
I want to live and promote a more healthy and sustainable lifestyle. I want to help build sustainable communities around the world. I believe that through promoting permaculture, the world will be a better place to live.
I am currently in Tasmania, Australia.