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Posted by Seasonn Bailey over 11 years ago
Rich, fretile land. There is a source, and a natural swale, already there, as well as a stream, that runs up one side of the property. Decades of soil build up, so the land is ready to plant.
The weeds will need to be tamed, but many are edible and nutritious, the natural weeds, are nettles, horse tails, something from the mint family, a wild sort of plum, rose hips, elderberry, hops... I was given a hazel coppice, which I planted and hope that it will survive the winter...
There are mature trees around the perimeter of the land, so wind protection is already in place. The land is fairly flat except for one slope. There is space to make a pond, two infact as I bought two allotments together. It is ideal for digging a pond, as about two feet down the soil turns to clay...
Now the work begins! Planning, replanning and then execution...
This will be too big a project to do on my own, so if any brave souls would like to participate, please feel free to contact me, if you are interested in hands on experience...
Be well
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