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Elaine Ingham 's Profile
Elaine Ingham
VIC, Australia
Climate Zone:
Sub tropical

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About Elaine Ingham

President of Soil Foodweb Inc., an international laboratory system that assesses the balance of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes and mycorrhizal fungi in all materials. The major emphasis of her work is to return health to soil, so that natural nutrient cycling and disease suppression mechanisms are present, allowing the desired plants to grow without requiring use of pesticides or inorganic fertilizers. Dr. Ingham has been conducting workshops and seminars around the world for the past 30 years. She has authored many books for farmers, gardeners, and university students. A huge part of her career has been focused around helping farmers minimize, even eliminate, inputs while increasing yields, to maximize profits and ultimately resilience in their operations for generations to come.

Dr. Ingham earned her PhD from the Colorado State University in 1981. Her doctorate is in Microbiology with an emphasis on soil. Along with her husband Russ (who also has a doctorate from Colorado State University in Zoology, emphasizing nematology), she was offered a post-doctoral fellowship at the Natural Resource Ecology Lab at Colorado State University. In 1985, she accepted a Research Associate Fellowship at the University of Georgia. In 1986, Ingham moved to Oregon State University and joined the faculty in both Forest Science and Botany and Plant Pathology. She remained on faculty until 2001. Dr. Ingham is also an Affiliate Professor, Graduate Research, at Southern Cross University in Lismore, NSW, Australia, and an Affiliate Professor of Sustainable Living at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, and was Program Chair of the Ecological Society of America from 1999 to 2000. She was recently Chief Scientist at Rodale Institute.


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