I am deeply interested in Permaculture for a number of reasons. The first and the most obvious, is the fact that it is a sustainable way to live within our planet's natural capacity. This is the revolution we need in our lives if humanity is serious about preserving the planet and ourselves.
I am also attracted to Permaculture for a spiritual wholeness that I struggle to completely pin down. Growing your own food, harvesting rain water, drawing power through solar or biogas is returning to a more wholesome relationship with our natural environment that man has not had since before civilization.
I hope to travel through Asia and Europe learning as much as I can about small-scale energy projects and, of course, permaculture. However, I can't do it alone. I need help from the larger permaculture community to learn from and network through. I am excited by the possibilities that this site may offer and hope that it lends it self to a more durable future for everyone.