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Posted by Austin Bowden-Kerby about 11 years ago
I was clearing the compound and I cut down a papaya tree and threw it on one of my six compost heaps heaped up with garden waste. A week or two later I noticed that the pile I had thrown it on had completely rotted and was a foot high instead of 4 feet high like the others!
Has anyone else done this or heard of this before- it needs to be studied as it has a great potential for accelerating compost formation wherever papaya trees grow. I also add papaya seeds and the spoiled friuit and skins etc to my chicken feed as it helps make the protein more digestable and available. I nioticed the horses really go for the small trees as do the geese and ducks. A green papaya or two will de-worm a horse and eight papaya seeds chewed well will deworm you and your children too (I have seen the results)!
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