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Posted by John Schinnerer almost 14 years ago
This is a brief intro to this particular project - more news (and eventually pictures) as it happens.
A friend of mine who is a long-time builder and cabinet maker and also has an interest in alternative building materials and methods is building a prototype-demonstration dwelling that he calls an "eco-cabana."
My participation in the project involves designing and implementing a variety of systems for transforming dwelling inputs and outputs. The most exciting to me is that a conventional low-flush toilet in the main bathroom will feed a biological blackwater transformation system. The system will be based on the "Watson Wick," more formally called something like a subsurface treatment constructed wetland system.
Some info on the Watson Wick from Art Ludwig's Oasis Design site:
Here we have an abundance of volcanic cinder, which will be used in place of the pumice used elsewhere. Another major consideration is that this system will be constructed in a windward (wet) tropical maritime climate, whereas apparently most Watson Wicks have been built in relativley arid temperate climates.
If anyone here has information or experience with such a system in climates similar to East Hawai'i Island, please let me know!
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