I currently live much of the year in the southern portion of the Cascadia bioregion of North America. I occasionally return to Hawai'i, where I previously lived for nine years after graduate school and four years before. I have a Master's degree in Whole Systems Design with a focus on cultural and ecological designing. My work integrates permaculture and keyline design, appropriate technologies, and human relating and regenerative governance systems.
I am a teacher, consultant, and practitioner who works with public, private and non-profit clients, with a mission to demonstrate, teach and inspire abundance and peace.
I enjoy human-powered outdoor recreation and transportation, being in and on the water, singing and playing guitar, building unique structures, and pushing my edges.
The Sociocracy Consulting Group
Eco-Living Whole Systems Design
All but final mulching and planting out are complete for another Watson wick based biofilter for domestic black and gray water.
Long-time builder and bamboo booster Danny Li has built a bamboo-framed, fabric-walled modular dwelling prototype that also incorporates alternative energy and waste-as-resource technologies
FoodConnect hosts a sociocracy whole systems governance and organizational design workshop - permaculture for people - mid-March in Brisbane, Australia
Now in use with a varying load, Watson Wick type biofilter starts 'real' testing
Back to work on final stages of blackwater-graywater system for this project.
Alternative building project will have blackwater as well as graywater systems
Ferrocement catchment tanks don't have to be boring cylinders!