Born and raised in South Africa, have lived in UK for 5 years. Currently working as freelance open-source web developer, I have a background in qualitative video-based research (South Africa, Africa) & video editing. Strong love for the wild, interest in deep/integral ecology, nutrition, medicinal plants, creative arts, ancient/new technology, practitioner of energy (pranic) healing.
Having direct and research-based exposure to many deprived communities in Africa and the drivers of globalisation has made me very aware of the needs and challenges faced by people and the environment, and increasingly aware of Permaculture as offering real solutions to many of these issues.
Spurred by opportunities of our times to rethink & redesign how we do things, currently enrolling as Permaculture diploma student to further develop my skills. Next two years mostly London-based, while my partner (who also completed a PDC with me) finishes his degree in Sustainable Development. Would like to continue to Learn, Teach & Inspire..