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Øyvind Holmstad 's Profile
Øyvind Holmstad
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Gjøvik, Norway
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Cold Temperate
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wandoo ridge food forest Alvastien Telste KPAF Katunggan Permaculture Adventure Farm
Andrew McMillion Brad Hamilton Bronwyn White Chris McLeod Dan West Daniel Larsson Delphine Drory Dixie Rolfe Eirik Hordnes Elin Enger Mollestad gamal ali Gordon Williams Hannes Dettmann Isaac Harkness Jennie Vick Jim Mandal Joakim Pettersson Joel Albertsson katarina stroemfeldt Ken Bird Kevin Jarvis Lars Vassenden Mustafa Fatih Bakir Russ Purvis Sami email500@gmx.com Zeljko Serdar
Alex Vincent Aranya Austin Bronwyn White Chris McLeod Dan West edna lee Eirik Hordnes Geoff Lawton Harald Brynlund-Lima Janell Kapoor Joel Lee

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The Work of Christopher Alexander Summarized

Posted by Øyvind Holmstad almost 13 years ago

Christopher Alexander's theories and findings are among the most important for future permaculture!

For our transition to a permacultural world we should pay attention to the achievements of Christopher Alexander. Hopefully most of you are already aware of it, but these days Michael Mehaffy and Nikos Salingaros are running a series summarazing Alexander's work throughouth his career, in Metropolis Magazine. I will strongly encourage all permaculturists to follow these series as they enroll during the winter. By now four chapters are released:

The Radical Technology of Christopher Alexander

The Sustainable Technology of Christopher Alexander

The Pattern Technology of Christopher Alexander

- The Living technology of Christopher Alexander

New articles will be gathered here.

Hope you enjoy this reading as much as I do!

Christopher Alexander

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Claire Coleman
Claire Coleman : Fabulous.... thanks.
Posted almost 13 years ago

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My Permaculture Qualifications
Permaculture Design Course
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Teacher: Aranya Austin
Location: Orreviks Gård, Sweden
Date: Jul 2011

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