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Øyvind Holmstad
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Gjøvik, Norway
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Cold Temperate
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Let's Talk About the Commons!

Posted by Øyvind Holmstad over 12 years ago

It’s hard to love what we don’t see, so let’s bring the commons right out into the spotlight!
Talking about the commons is a critical first step. We’re so indoctrinated in an individualist focused approach to stuff and private property that we need to be reminded—like my college class mentioned above—that there’s much more that we share and, that for a wide range of things, sharing is better. So, let’s introduce the term into public discourse, slip it into conversations, include it in letters to the editor and blog posts. Talking more about the commons will make it more visible.

It’s hard to love what we don’t see, so let’s bring the commons right out into the spotlight!

I also fear that I am not alone in having associated the “commons” with a sheep-filled pasture for too long. We need to think of more ways to explain what the commons is, to create a new frame for the word, so that the full richness of the commons comes to mind when we hear the term. I love the phrase “all that we share.” That’s clear, accessible and makes us feel good thinking about all that we share. That’s what we want people to feel when they think of the commons. - Annie Leonard


Credit: Lumaxart

The Story of the Commons: Interview with Annie Leonard

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My Permaculture Qualifications
Permaculture Design Course
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Teacher: Aranya Austin
Location: Orreviks Gård, Sweden
Date: Jul 2011

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