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Barbara Scheltus - van den Berg 's Profile
Barbara Scheltus - van den Berg
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Vojnic, KA, Croatia
Climate Zone:
Warm Temperate
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Work in progress in the forest garden!

Posted by Barbara Scheltus - van den Berg almost 11 years ago

We're finalizing our design for the forest garden and we've got help from Kenza who studies landscape design!

Good news about the forest garden: Peter sawed out the last sun-blocking non-fruit or nut trees, Mark is cleaning up the branches (& mulching them for the paths) and Kenza is helping us to finalize the design and specs for out forest garden!

Kenza is studying landscape design so we can combine our knowledge. We measured the area and Kenza made a good map of it, with all the (cherry) trees that stay there.
I made a list of trees, shrubs, herbs and perennial vegetables that I want in our forest garden and now Kenza is making a plant list with the specifications like what kind of soil it needs, how sun/shade tolerant it is, when to prune the shrub or tree and so on.

In the coming days we'll finalize the design and then we start planting and sowing!

O yes, by the way: the forest garden area is 30 meters wide and 180 meters long and now we're only working on the first 30x30 meters. So we're looking forward to hosting many more "Kenza's"!


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Consultant Aid worker
My Permaculture Qualifications
Permaculture Design Certificate
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Verifying teacher: Rowe Morrow
Other Teachers: Tina Lymberis
Location: Nea Makri, Greece
Date: Sep 2015
Other course unverified
Workshop restoration agriculture
Type: Other
Teacher: Mark Shepard
Location: ZMAG Vukomeric, Croatia
Date: Apr 2016
Other course verified
Creating low maintenance Edible Landscapes The Permaculture way
Type: Other
Teacher: Rakesh Rootsman Rak
Location: Zagreb, Croatia
Date: May 2014
Other course verified
Creating a forest garden
Type: Other
Teacher: Rakesh Rootsman Rak
Location: Bogata Suma, Croatia
Date: Jun 2010
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Introduction to permaculture
Type: Other
Verifying teacher: Taco Blom
Other Teachers: Ishi Crosby
Location: Den Haag, The Netherlands
Date: Jan 2008
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People and Permaculture Facilitator Training
Type: Teacher Training
Verifying teacher: Looby Macnamara
Other Teachers: Peter Cow
Location: Applewood, Great Brittain
Date: Sep 2017
Other course verified
Cultural Emergence Effective Design course
Type: Other
Verifying teacher: Looby Macnamara
Other Teachers: Barbara Scheltus
Location: Bogata Suma, Croatia
Date: Apr 2019

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