In addition to writing, illustrating and self publishing a number of books, Graham Burnett is an experienced permaculture practioner, designer and teacher. He has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the Permaculture Association (Britain), and holds the Diploma in Permaculture Design (Dip Perm Des). Graham is a member of the Permaculture Association’s Designers Register, and has co-run Permaculture Introductory courses, full design courses and specialist courses on vegan-organic gardening and compost toilet building, as well as workshops for, amongst others, Comic Relief, Bioregional, Organiclea, Naturewise, Green Adventure, Birmingham Decoy, Ars Terra (Los Angeles), Vegan Organic Network, Plan-It Earth, Permorganics, Thrive (the therapeutic horticulture organisation), Transition Town Brixton ABUNDANCE, South East Essex Organic Gardeners and Southend Council’s Agenda 21 forum.
Graham is currently involved in setting up Southend in Transition, an exploration of how the community in which he and his family lives can develop an Energy Descent Action Plan in order to survive and thrive in the low carbon twenty first century.