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elin lindhagen duby
Last Updated:
Kisumu, Kenya
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Daraja Academy Permaculture Project Badilisha Ecovillage Foundation Trust Permaculture Research Institute-Kenya
Andy Fischer Aurelia Weintz Catherine Kinoti Chiel van der Voort Daniel  Parra Hensel Dipesh Pabari Francisco Amaral James Reid João Gonçalves Julio Itacaramby Kearney Coupland Leslie Christian Schanz Marilyn McHugh Martin Korndoerfer Michael Cooley Monika Frank Niki Neave peter kasalu Rafter Sass Ferguson Rebecca Harris Rodrigo Quiros Romain Criquet Sheena Shah Warren Brush
Daniel  Parra Hensel Geoff Lawton John Champagne John Wilson Julio Itacaramby PG (Petrus Groenewald) Ewald Viljoen Sheena Shah Soozi van der Linde Warren Brush

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Badilisha Design Process, April 11

Posted by elin lindhagen duby over 13 years ago

An update on the design process for a full design of Badilisha Ecovillage, Rusinga Island, Kenya....

After the PDC with Warren Brush at Badilisha in March 2011 I continued work with Evans Odula on making a permaculture design at Badilisha a reality. The vision is for a place of learning, promoting permaculture and traditional knowledge, a meeting place for the local community and international visitors to learn and draw inspiration from nature.  Drawing from the five different designs produced by the course we drew up a design aiming at incoroporating the following elements:


An office and resource centre with an inspirational library, computers for community to access and a seed bank.

An education hall and resource room to be used for trainings and workshops. The current iron sheet  (mabati) structure to be converted into a traditional mud building style, though keeping the iron sheet roofing to facilitate rainwater catchment. The iron sheets for the walls are planned to be used for the roofing of the new guest houses and guest kitchen. 

nursery for seedlings under the shade of indigenous trees.

tool shed

shop to sell produce from Badilisha and seeds from the seed garden

kitchen for preparing food for workshops and the school feeding programme. The kitchen features several simple, fuel efficient rocket stoves made from clay, sand, cow dung and banana stalks and an outdoor clay oven.

Pit latrines converted into compost toilets with a humanure compost pile to feed the trees in the food forest.

Rabbit, chicken and quail houses, built just above the pond to feed nutrients into the acquaculture system.

Meditation tree and circle with cob seat, surrounded by flowers and aloe vera.

Two guest huts, guest kitchen and campsite, built in local Luo style with mud and cow dung. Roofs made of iron sheets for rainwater harvesting.

Water harvesting system including;

  • a total of six swales
  • catchment of water from the road by a trench feeding into the first swale
  • three banana circles for greywater harvesting
  • three large 5000L water tanks and three small 500L water tanks catching water from all buildings
  • a mudfish pond



food forest with the following species:

Fruit trees: Avocado, papaya,mango, lemon, banana

Nitrogen fixers:  leucena, acacia,cow-pea, desmodium

Ground covers: sweet potatoes, cow pea and desmodium

Shrub layer: cassava and artemisia

Medicinal: neem, artemisia and moringa

Mulch plant: vetiver

A 9m diameter Mandala Garden for vegetables and herbs including

  • tomatoes
  • eggplant
  • peppers
  • spinach
  • spider plant
  • black night shade

medicinal herb garden for demonstration and education with the following species:

  • Artemisia
  • Aloe Vera
  • Garlic
  • Vinca Rosea
  • Lemongrass
  • Papaya
  • Cassia Occidentalis
  • Cassia Alata
  • Kalanchoe Piñata
  • Tithonia Diversifolia
  • Ginger
  • Moringa Oleifera
  • Moringa Stenopetala
  • Phaseolus Vulgaris
  • Datura Stramonium
  • Amaranthus Gracilis

An indigenous food crops garden, serving also as a demonstration and education plot for the community and linked to workshops on the value of indigenous food crops,planting, harvesting and processing. The indigenous food crop area would include for example:

  • Sorghum
  • Millet
  • Yams
  • Amaranthus blitum/ Michicha
  • Amaranthus hybridus/ Michicha
  • Asystasia Gangetica/ Atipa
  • Asystasia Mysorensis/ Atipa
  • Basella Alba/ Ndemra
  • and many more!

At the bottom of the land we have planned a zone 5 of wilderness with a variety of indigenous trees, wild flowers, bees and bee hives. We have listed the following trees for this area, all local trees that used to cover the hills of Rusinga before deforestation hit:

  •  Ochol
  • Kang’o
  • Sang’la
  • Pedo
  • Powo
  • Otati


Comments (4)

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Daniel  Parra Hensel
Daniel Parra Hensel : This is awesome Elin and Evans! I really look forward to seeing the fruition of Badilisha! Keep up the good work and send photos when you get a chance! Blessings y paz!
Posted over 13 years ago

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Erle Rahaman-Noronha
Erle Rahaman-Noronha : great project...i was born and grew up in nairobi, my project in trinidad is doing very similar things to yours....climate is the same...check out our website...www.wasamakipermaculture.org. feel free to contact me if you would like to exchange info
Posted about 13 years ago

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elin lindhagen duby
elin lindhagen duby : hey nice to hear from you. wow trinidad looks great, been many places but not there. be great to stay in touch. we have just finished the design and are hoping to get support to implement it all!
Posted about 13 years ago

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Monika Frank
Monika Frank : Hi Elin, I met Evans just before the course while staying for NGO-work with Kanyala Little Stars at Mbita. would be great to see Evans vision come true!! if you fundraise etc for implementing the design, please stay in touch with me and the German Pc Academy. lov+peace, Monika
Posted about 13 years ago

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Aid worker Pdc teacher
My Permaculture Qualifications
Permaculture Design Course
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Verifying teacher: Matt Dunwell
Other Teachers: John Wilson, [email protected]
Location: Ragmans Lane Farm, UK
Date: Sep 2009
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elin lindhagen duby has permaculture experience in:
Cool Temperate
Wet/Dry Tropical

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