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Victor Barahona
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Astigarraga, Spain
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Biofertilizers and Chromas' Course with Eugenio Gras

Posted by Victor Barahona almost 12 years ago

Biofertilizers, Chromas and much more



This course was held in June in Orduña (Alava) for 3 days, also held a week later another identical at La Donaira Farm (in Ronda). The teacher was Eugenio Gras, from MasHumus Foundation. He comes from Mexico and representing MasHumus giving Regenerative Agriculture courses worldwide. 

I consider this course highly recommended for anyone with a farm, whether or not practice permaculture. It was discussed about Biofertilizers, substances that can be added to the soil or used as foliar fertilizer to enrich and vitalize the crops, with excellent results. It also teaches the technique of soil Chromatography, abbreviated "chroma". These allow you to view the health of the land that is sampled and take action on the matter. All these techniques are to be made accurately, respecting the quantities, dose, time, but everybody can make it even without training, the important thing is motivation.

A lot of farmers worldwide have escaped poverty by making this techniques and not depend of the inputs of the agricultural industry: fertilizers, herbicides etc. These methods can produce all the elements within the farm, in a place we book for this, the "bio-factory" as he calls Eugenio, close to the farm's workshop.

Here is a photo of Eugenio, showing the MasHumus' Team: 

Eugenio Gras and MasHumus' Team

Classes alternating theory and practice, here we see Eugenio mixing the components necessary to make a biofertilizer. 

Mixing components of a biofertilizer

Many of these preparations require heat to consolidate or form the necessary chemical reaction, whereas others are fermentations (e.g. "biol"), here we see a fire in which the mixture is warming, while Eugenio will giving more information. Although it is supplied to the end of the course in digital format.

Preparing biofertilizer

In this photo we see something rather more "relaxed" as is the preparation of "chroma".Each participant made one, indicating where the soil sample was took, necessary to permit comparison later. In this picture we are in the process of drying and reaction to light, the process is similar to chemical photography.

Collection of chroma to analyze

Finally a group picture: they were many attendant. Some people have begun to apply the methods learned as they have farms.Time will tell us how successful will be all these tests.

Group Photo

In my case I started looking for material to make the two things that most interested me: the chroma and biofertilizer "biol", but I didn't get some component and the delay stopped me until next spring. This is important because some of these operations must be done with a suitable temperature and for a long time. I hope next year will have results. It is important to say that these preparations last a lot, you prepare a barrel of 200 liters and you anough for a whole year per hectare, as a rule.

Some of preparations worth as foliar fertilizer, others serve to improve soils, fungicides, compost, etc.. Worth learning all this in three days, I assure you. It is a time and money well spent.


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Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Teacher: Darren J. Doherty
Location: Deià, Mallorca, Spain
Date: Jul 2009
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Teacher: Darren J. Doherty
Location: Brihuega, Guadalajara, Spain
Date: Jul 2007
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Teacher: Darren J. Doherty
Location: El Sitgeti, Tarragona, Spain
Date: May 2009
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Type: Introduction to Permaculture
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Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Teacher: Şafak NART
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Type: Soil Biology/Compost
Verifying teacher: Kirk Gadzia
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Location: Arkaute, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Basque Country
Date: Apr 2012
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Biofertilizantes de bajo coste
Type: Soil Biology/Compost
Teacher: Eugenio Gras
Location: Orduña, Basque Country
Date: Jun 2012

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