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Gabrielle Hamm 's Profile
Gabrielle Hamm
Last Updated:
Findhorn, Morayshire, United Kingdom
Climate Zone:
Cool Temperate

My Projects

(projects i'm involved in)

Findhorn Ecovillage

Findhorn Ecovillage

Findhorn, GB


(projects i'm following)

PRI Tap o' Noth Farm, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Aaron  Elton Andrew Drummond Christina Smith francine chanover Helder Valente Sharon Dismore Vic Gaffney yongo otieno
Ana Cristina Costa e Silva Andrew Langford Andy Goldring Cathrine Dolleris Geoff Lawton Joe Atkinson Joshua Cubista Sharon Dismore Sparkles Murphy
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About Gabrielle Hamm

Gabrielle Haworth Buist, BSc Sociology with Environmental Studies University of Surrey, was born and raised in the Findhorn Foundation. After volunteering in Ladakh, India she moved to London to study. While at University she coordinated a student political group, People & Planet campaigning for better environmental standards and accountability in the University and nationally. She worked as Partnership Manager for OneWorld UK , an International charity based in London using new media innovatively to spread awareness around environmental issues globally. She returned to Findhorn in 2007 to facilitate the Applied Ecovillage Living and then Coordinating the Ecovillage Design Education. She received her PDC in 2007 and now has seven years experience with Permaculture Education and is now embarking on the Applied Permaculture Diploma.


Permaculture Design Course (PDC) at Findhorn, Scotland in May 2015

The permaculture design course offers a comprehensive introduction to permaculture principles, design practices and their application, with a particular focus on permaculture in co

Posted about 10 years ago (0 comments)

Applied Ecovillage Living 2014 - Incorporating the PDC at Findhorn

Applied Ecovillage Living offers concepts, tools and techniques for creating sustainable human settlements. It is one month long and incorporates the internationally recognised Permaculture Design Course.

Posted about 11 years ago (0 comments)

Funding to attend PDC Course

We have Grundtvig funding to attend the Ecovillage Training 2013

Posted over 12 years ago (1 comments)

Ecovillage Training - Incorporating the Permaculture Design Certificate

This is an amazing and inspiring one-month course held every year from mid February to mid March

Posted almost 14 years ago (1 comments)
My Permaculture Qualifications
Permculture Course
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Teacher: Jonny Barton
Location: Tangleha
Date: May 2011
Ecovillage Training
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Teacher: Craig Gibsone
Location: Findhorn
Date: Feb 2007
Other course verified
Permaculture Educators Training 2014
Type: Teacher Training
Verifying teacher: Andy Goldring
Other Teachers: Catherine Dolleris
Location: Friland, Denmark
Date: Oct 2014

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