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Kyle Chamberlain
Last Updated:
Kettle Falls, Washington, United States
Climate Zone:
Cold Temperate

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The Human Habitat Project

The Human Habitat Project

Kettle Falls, US


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2701 North 29th Street Kamiah Permaculture Institute
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Nursery Order and Tapping Birches

Posted by Kyle Chamberlain almost 14 years ago

Includes a list of food forest trees we've ordered for 2011. There's so much great plant material out there!
We made some money just in time to put a big tree order in. A list follows. We will probably order more. Hopefully, this list will give aspiring forest gardeners some idea of what is available. We ordered from Burnt Ridge, Grimo, One Green World, and Raintree.
The order goes a long way, as far as collecting the many species and varieties I would like to host in my food forest. A complete list of the trees and shrubs I intend to incorporate here can be found at my website: https://sites.google.com/site/humanhabitatproject/food-forest-plant-list
This is a more complete reference to to food forest possibilities of the region, based on my observations and research.
Cold weather and my zombifying work shedule have delayed much of the work we planned for this month. We did manage to tap some of our birch trees for syrup, although it may be too early, as yields have been small.
2011 Nursery Order
Nut Trees:
English Walnut (2) 'Broadview' and 'Combe'
Northern Pecan (2) 'Deerstand' and 'Lucas'
Heartnut (2) 'Imshu' and 'Simcoe 8-2'
Black Walnut (2) 'Emma K' and 'Bicentenial'
Butternut (2) 'Beckwith' and 'Kenworthy'
Shellbark Hickory (2) 'Fayette' and seedling
Shagbark Hickory (2) 'Grainger' and seedling
Burr Oak 'Krieder' seedling
Burr-Live Oak Hybrid seedling
Burr-Gambel Oak Hybrids (4) seedlings
Korean Stone Pines (4)
Siberian Stone Pine
Almond 'All-in-one'
Sweet Pit Apricot
Hybrid Chestnuts (2) 'Bisalta' and 'Layeroka'
Filberts (2) 'Jefferson' and 'Halles Giant'
Hardy Pistachios (4) seedlings
Fruit Trees:
Apples (3) 'Lodi', 'Williams Pride', 'Wealthy'
Quince 'Aromatyana'
Asian Pear 'Shinko'
Mountain  Ash 'Rabinia'
Service Fruit 'Pear Form'
Chinese Haw 'Red Star'
Medlar seedling
American Persimon (2) 'Early Golden' and 'Szukis'
Pawpaw (2) 'Taylor' and 'Wells'
Mulberry 'Illinios Everbearing'
Jujube seedlings
Seaberry (2) 'Star of Altai' and male polinator
Silverberry 'Golden'
Goumi 'Sweet Scarlet'
Hardy Kiwi (2) 'Anasnaya' and male polinator
Gogi 'Crimson Star'
Honeyberry (2) 'Blue Sky' and 'Blue Bird'
Nuda Bamboo
Aronia 'Viking'
Bitter Orange (2)
Perennial Herbs:
Jerusalem Artichokes
Chinese Yams

Comments (3)

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William Kearns
William Kearns : Great list Kyle! Although I didn't get any apricots last year (2010) I'm hoping for a bumper crop this year, and all my seeds belong to you! Almonds too, if you want them. Just a status update ... I got three little plum seedlings came up in the talus garland rock wall you put up!!! I also sowed some gooseberry and elderberry seeds this winter and I'm hoping for some new shoots this spring. I'm off to look up the Nuda bamboo ... I've been looking for a bamboo species that might work here. = ) Bill
Posted almost 14 years ago

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Kyle Chamberlain
Kyle Chamberlain : Bill, it's thrilling to hear that things are growing out of the rock wall! Are these the cherry-plums we seeded into the wall when we built it?

If nothing else, we have an created an evironment condusive to germination. I think that's no small feat, as I realy doubt seeds cast on open ground would do so well, around there. I imagine gooseberries and elderberries would also be a good fit for the wall.

I'd like to come by some time and observe developments.

The bamboo species I ordered is Phyllostachys nuda. I ordered it from Burnt Ridge Nursery. It should be plenty hardy.

How are those oak seedlings doing?

I'll happily take seeds, ecpesialy since I have a growing list of people I'm distributing my collections to.

Good to hear from you Bill,


Posted almost 14 years ago

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Yone Ward
Yone Ward : I've heard that Black Walnut likes to keep everything from growing near it with a natural plant inhibitor. Kepp an eye on it and good luck.
Posted almost 13 years ago

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