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Neil Bertrando
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Reno, Nevada, United States
Climate Zone:
Cold Arid

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Gravity fed Irrigation systems

Posted by Neil Bertrando over 11 years ago

a reference list and request for info on Gravity flow/fed or water-in-transit systems

I'm looking for good references and information on sizing and designing gravity fed water systems. 

Can you share info on your favorite and most useful references or experiences on this subject.

particularly pertaining to dealing with too much pressure (surge tanks/pressure breaks/integrating microhydro), warm water issues (hot and thermal springs), freezing, constant flow, sediment loads and filtering, domestic use, avoiding air locks.

any anecdotes or recommendations are welcome.

currently, here's some links and articles I've found.
I consider them supplemental to the Keyline design system of farm layout for use when you have developed water resources at head pressure.

a link to several articles and gravity flow system calculators

gravity fed water system links

micro hydro power links

also a book title reference from Art Ludwig's Water Storage
A Handbook of Gravity Flow Water Systems by Thomas D. Jordan, Jr. Intermediate Technology Development Group. 1980

How to design a gravity flow water system by Santiago, Santiago

Slightly off topic mother earth news article on off-grid water systems

Here's a few additional references specific to springs.

I encourage people to always consider the impacts of withdrawal on any riparian systems fed by the spring. for example, in the western US, you could initiate some severe erosion issues by starving a channel or slope wetland of it's supply during the growing season. The takehome message is be thoughtful, do your due dilligence, monitor for feedback and adapt/iterate based on this info.

http://www.fs.fed.us/eng/pubs/pdf/waterguide/hi_res/springs.pdf http://www.lifewater.org/resources/rws1/rws1m.htm
http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/nrcs144p2_030354.pdf http://www.wellwater.bse.vt.edu/files/WF4%20spring%20devt%20and%20prot.PDF alternative to spring boxes

a video option http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jz0m3HFjgs

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Neil Bertrando
Neil Bertrando : Here's a few additional references specific to springs. always consider the impacts of withdrawal on any riparian systems fed by the spring. for example, in the western US, you could initiate some severe erosion issues by starving a channel or slope wetland of it's supply during the growing season. The takehome message is be thoughtful, do your due dilligence, monitor for feedback and adapt/iterate based on this info.

http://www.fs.fed.us/eng/pubs/pdf/waterguide/hi_res/springs.pdf http://www.lifewater.org/resources/rws1/rws1m.htm http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/nrcs144p2_030354.pdf http://www.wellwater.bse.vt.edu/files/WF4%20spring%20devt%20and%20prot.PDF alternative to spring boxes http://www.lboro.ac.uk/well/resources/technical-briefs/34-protecting-springs.pdf a video option http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jz0m3HFjgs
Posted about 11 years ago

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Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Verifying teacher: Geoff Lawton
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Location: Quail Springs, Cuyama, California
Date: Aug 2008
Earth Activist Training
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Verifying teacher: Erik Ohlsen
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Verifying teacher: Darren J. Doherty
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Date: Nov 2009
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Verifying teacher: Dave Bohnlein
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