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Roman Eisenkoelbl 's Profile
Roman Eisenkoelbl
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Vienna Forests,Africa,India,Sunshine coast Queensland, Austria
Climate Zone:
Sub tropical
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Can Lliure

Can Lliure

Sadernes, ES


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Tacomepai Organic Farm Heal The Soil CSA - India Centro de Convergência (NO LONGER ACTIVE) Casa Amarela Oficina comunitária Linda-a-Velha Parque Agricola da Alta de Lisboa (Lisbon's Uptown City Farm) Domestic permaculture Internatinal permaculture research centre Quinta dos Melros Encontro Verde Himalayan Permaculture Centre Biomeiler Jain Pain Sadhana Forest Haiti Permacultura Barcelona Himalayan Farm Project Fattoria dell'Autosufficienza Permaculture Vienna Hanuman's Garden The Chaikuni Institute Assagao Anjuna, Goa, India, Kitchen Garden & Food Forest PermEco Inc. Dew Permaculture PermaPuebla Initiative
Alex Kruger Alfred Decker Andrej Osterman Andrew Langford Antonio Scotti Anupreet Dhody Armando Simon Bernard Alonso Bernhard Gruber Bill Mollison Brad Lancaster Bruce brucezell@gmail.com Christian Shearer Clea Chandmal Dan Hemenway Daniel Halsey Darren J.  Doherty david spicer Delvin Solkinson Doug Crouch Dwarakanath Jnaneswar Ekkirala Elisa Noorduijn Ethan Roland Evan Young Fernando Madeira Fraser Bliss Geoff Lawton geoffroy godeau George Sobol Grifen Hope Hannes Dettmann Helder Valente hugo oliveira Jan Zuppinger Janet Millington Joana Reinhardt João Gonçalves John Champagne John Barrie BUTTON Julia Leuterer Julia Solland Kate Curtis Khadija Kandil Kirk Gadzia Lea Harrison Lilly Zeitler Luis Almeida Max van Wees Mugove Walter Nyika Narsanna Koppula view all(75)

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Posted by Roman Eisenkoelbl almost 12 years ago

Thank you Sion for introducing me to this interesting concept!

What is Panarchy? 

Panarchy is a conceptual framework to account for the dual, and seemingly contradictory, characteristics of all complex systems – stability and change. It is the study of how economic growth and human development depend on ecosystems and institutions, and how they interact.  It is an integrative framework, bringing together ecological, economic and social models of change and stability, to account for the complex interactions among both these different areas, and different scale levels.



Basic Concepts in Panarchy



Ecosystem Characteristics   

 Empirical evidence of natural, disturbed and managed ecosystems identifies four key characteristics:

  • Change is neither continuout and gradual, nor continuously chaotic. It is epicodic, regulated by interactions between fast and slow variables


  • Different scale levels concentrate resources and potential in different ways, and non-linear processes reorganize resources across levels


  • Ecosystems do not have a single equilibrium; multiple equilibria are common. Ecosystems have processes that maintain stability in terms of productivity and biogeochemical cycles; as well as processes that are destabilizing, which provide diversity, resilience and opportunity


  • Management systems must take into account these dynamic features of ecosystems and be flexible, adaptive and experiment at scale levels compatible with the levels of critical ecosystem functions.


Stages of the Adaptive Cycle: Basic Ecosystem Dynamics

Panarchy identifies four basic stages of ecosystems, represented in the Figure below: exploitation, conservation, release and reorganization.  All ecosystems, from the cellular to the global level, are said to go through these four stages of a dynamic adaptive cycle (see below).

  • The exploitation stage is one of rapid expansion, as when a population finds a fertile niche in which to grow.


  • The conservation stage is one in which slow accumulation and storage of energy and material is emphasized as when a population reaches carrying capacity and stabilizes for a time.


  • The release occurs rapidly, as when a population declines due to a competitor, or changed conditions


  • Reorganization can also occur rapidly, as when certain members of the population are selected for their ability to survive despite the competitor or changed conditions that triggered the release.


Adaptive Cycles   

 The four stages of the adaptive cycle described above (analogous to birth, growth and maturation, death and renewal), have three properties that determine the dynamic characteristics of each cycle:

  • Potential sets the limits to what is possible - the number and kinds of future options available (e.g. high levels of biodiversity provide more future options than low levels)


  • Connectedness determines the degree to which a system can control its own destiny through internal controls, as distinct from being influenced by external variables (e.g. temperature regulation in warm blooded animals, which involves five different physiological mechanisms, is an example of high connectedness)


  • Resilience determines how vulnerable a system is to unexpected disturbances and surprises that can exceed or break that control (see below for more details).


The adaptive cycle is the process that accounts for both the stability and change in complex systems.  It periodically generates variability and novelty, either internally such as through genetic mutations or adaptation, or by accumulating resources that change the internal dynamics of an ecosystem.  These changes are the triggers for experimentation. In the reorganization stage various experiments are tested and resources are reorganized in new configurations, some of which enter a new exploitation stage to repeat the cycle.



Strengths of Panarchy

 Panarchy is a complex and controversial framework for describing ecosystem and human system dynamics and interactions, and it is beyond the scope of this overview to provide a thorough critique.  Despite its broad sweep it does have the advantage of relative simplicity in terms of the basic concepts used to describe an array of complex phenomena.  This framework developed over several years, is solidly based in empirical research across a broad range of ecosystems, and continues to develop conceptually and generate policy relevant research.


Panarchy is a sophisticated attempt to connect ecosystem functioning with economic activities and human institutions for managing the relation between the two. It is an evidence-based approach that forces us to think in non-linear terms about complex systems, while providing the conceptual tools to understand the complexities involved.



 Panarchy remains a hypothesis, despite the many empirical studies it has generated. It's broad sweep requires more empirical testing.  While it proports to be an integrative model of ecological, economic and social dynamics, it's focus is primarily ecological. There are competiting attempts at integration,1 which may also account for the observed phenomena. There are also different ways of thinking about resilience (e.g. Fraser et al, in press). Despite these limitations, the panarchy framework continues to stimulate constructive debate and guide empirical studies


infos taken from:



Please visit this website for more infos...........

Panarchy model

Comments (4)

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Owen Hablutzel
Owen Hablutzel : Greetings Roman,Sion, etc... Glad to see you are finding value in this framework! In reality, Panarchy is a specific heuristic device that is a sub-set of the larger framework of Reslience Science, or Social-Ecological Systems Science.

The Adaptive Cycle is a basic element of a Panarchy, but one system in one mode of its adaptive cycle does not constitute a Panarchy... an actual Panarchy is in fact an entire mosaic of nested sub-systems interacting across scales, with each sub-system and level of scale at its own specific (often different) mode within its Adaptive Cycle...

The entire Resilience Science framework has a lot to offer beyond the Panarchy concept itself, and is highly recommended for designers to look into for a better understanding of dynamics of change in social-ecological systems. Please see this link for a fairly thorough introduction, which includes the Panarchy concept as well: http://permaculturenews.org/2011/11/04/owen-hablutzel-water-and-transformation-in-dryland-systems-resilience-science-keyline-application-ipc10-presentation-video/

Keep up the great work! Owen
Posted almost 12 years ago

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Roman Eisenkoelbl
Roman Eisenkoelbl : Thanks a lot Owen for sharing!!!
Posted almost 12 years ago

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Robert Hones
Robert Hones : We have a team of experienced and qualified technicians who can handle any repair job, big or small. rooftop grease containment
Posted about 1 year ago

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My Badges
Consultant Aid worker Pdc teacher
My Permaculture Qualifications
Permaculture Design Course
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Teacher: Alex Kruger
Location: Lilongwe,Malawi
Date: Jun 2010
Other course verified
Sustainable Earthbuilding Course
Type: Other
Teacher: Wilhelm Morkel
Location: Lilongwe,Malawi
Date: Aug 2010
Permaculture Design Course
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Teacher: Bernard Alonso
Location: Auroville,Tamil Nadu,India
Date: Jan 2012
Permaculture Design Course
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Verifying teacher: Bernard Alonso
Other Teachers: Helder Valente, João Gonçalves
Location: Aldeia do Meco,Sesimbra,Portugal
Date: Nov 2012
Permaculture Design Course
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Teacher: Bernard Alonso
Location: Kottakarai Village,Tamil Nadu,India
Date: Feb 2013
Permaculture Design Course
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Teacher: rico zook
Location: Mineral Springs,Darjeeling
Date: Nov 2013
Other course unverified
Earthship building Workshop
Type: Other
Teacher: Alex Leeor
Location: Karuna Farm,India
Date: Mar 2014
Other course unverified
Water Retention Landscapes
Type: Other
Teacher: Bernd Mueller & Team
Location: Tamera,Portugal
Date: Aug 2014
Other course unverified
Food Forest Design & Care for cities and suburbs
Type: Other
Teacher: Toby Hemenway
Location: online
Date: Nov 2014
Other course unverified
Retrofit Suburbia in Mullumbimby
Type: Other
Verifying teacher: David Holmgren
Other Teachers: Su Dennett
Location: Mullumbimby Community Gardens
Date: Jun 2015
Other course verified
Creative Community Design- Social Pc Masterclass
Type: Other
Teacher: Robyn Francis
Location: Nikolasee, Berlin
Date: Sep 2015
Other course unverified
Permaculture Teaching Matters
Type: Teacher Training
Verifying teacher: Rowe Morrow
Other Teachers: Alfred Decker, Patricia Pereira
Location: Son Barrina, Mallorca
Date: Oct 2015
Other course unverified
Analog Forestry Training
Type: Other
Verifying teacher: Sion Zivetz , Trudy Juriansz
Other Teachers: Dr. Ranil Senanayake, Piyal Wijeratne, Fazly Mohamed
Location: Belipola , Mirahawatte, Sri Lanka
Date: Feb 2016
Other course unverified
Syntropic Agroforestry
Type: Other
Teacher: Ernst Gotsch
Location: Mas Pujou , Alta Garrotxa , Spain
Date: Apr 2016
Other course unverified
Forest Garden & Food Forest Course
Type: Other
Teacher: Martin Crowford
Location: Agroforestry Research Trust Forest Garden, Dartington,Devon, UK
Date: May 2016
Other course unverified
Theory and Practice of Natural Farming
Type: Other
Verifying teacher: Larry Korn
Other Teachers: Kate Curtis
Location: Sanilles , Catalunya , Spain
Date: Jun 2016
Other course unverified
Regrarians 10 day Farm Planning Training - REX
Type: Other
Teacher: Darren J. Doherty
Location: Domaine de Mazy , Laure-Minervois
Date: Oct 2016
Other course unverified
Practical Seminar with Sepp Holzer
Type: Other
Teacher: Sepp Holzer
Location: Mandala Garten - Auf den Schwarzenbacher Gaerten - Gruegelborn,Germany
Date: Apr 2017
Other course unverified
Introduction to Ecological Beekeeping
Type: Other
Verifying teacher: David Mérino-Rigaill
Other Teachers: Jean-Claude Guillaume
Location: Mas Alavall , South of France
Date: Apr 2017
Other course unverified
Syntropic Agroforestry
Type: Other
Teacher: Namaste Messerschmidt
Location: Tomar , Portugal
Date: Apr 2018
Other course unverified
Regenerative Agriculture, Chromatography , Biofertilizers
Type: Other
Teacher: Jairo Restrepo Rivera
Location: Ragmans Lane Farm , England
Date: Jul 2018
Other course unverified
Foundations of Biodynamic Beekeeping
Type: Other
Teacher: Alex Tuchman
Location: online
Date: Mar 2018
Other course unverified
Dynamic Agroforestry Module 2
Type: Other
Teacher: Dr.Noemi Stadler-Kaulich
Location: Sieben Linden Ecovillage Germany
Date: Oct 2018
Other course unverified
Soil and Humus Management
Type: Soil Biology/Compost
Teacher: Urs Hildebrandt and Angelika Luebke-Hildebrandt
Location: Hotel Weiss
Date: Nov 2018
Other course unverified
Type: Other
Verifying teacher: Katrina Klett
Other Teachers: He Guoqing
Location: Chiang Rai , Thailand
Date: Feb 2019
Other course unverified
Syntropic Agroforestry
Type: Gardening
Teacher: Gabriel Menezes
Location: Can Lliure, Spain
Date: Oct 2018
Other course unverified
Syntropic Agroforestry
Type: Gardening
Teacher: Felipe Amato
Location: Can Lliure, Spain
Date: Mar 2019
Other course unverified
Syntropic Agroforestry
Type: Gardening
Teacher: Namaste Messerschmidt
Location: Can Lliure, Spain
Date: Jun 2018
Other course unverified
Dynamic Agroforestry Module 3
Type: Gardening
Teacher: Dr. Noemi Stadler-Kaulich
Location: Sieben Linden Ecovillage , Germany
Date: Mar 2019
Other course unverified
International Dynamic Agroforestry course
Type: Other
Teacher: Joachim Milz and Walter Yana
Location: Alto Beni, Bolivia
Date: Jun 2019
2 PDC Graduates (list)
0 PRI PDC Graduates (list)
1 Other Course Graduates (list)
have acknowledged being taught by Roman Eisenkoelbl
4 have not yet been verified (list)
Climate Zones
Roman Eisenkoelbl has permaculture experience in:
Warm Temperate
Sub tropical
Wet/Dry Tropical
Wet Tropical
Dry Tropical

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