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Daniel Halsey
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Global, Traveler, United States
Climate Zone:
Cold Temperate
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vegarden Ti Lorien, Haiti Quail Springs Permaculture Sailchearnach Mesquite Meadows Jubilee Fruits & Vegetables Farm PRI Tap o' Noth Farm, Aberdeenshire, Scotland The Permaculture Research Institute of Hellas (Greece) The Centre for Urban Agriculture in Alberta RT Permaculture Forever Productive Forest Milkwood Inspiration Farm
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Fascine, Revetments, and Wattle Hurdle

Posted by Daniel Halsey about 12 years ago

This year I have been in Haiti after a downgraded hurricane, and then in New Jersey a week after Sandy.While in New Jersey two tornadoes passed by my old house. What does they have in common?

In each case water was being limited in its flow by developement or the removal natural structures that diffuse its energy. While working in Haiti and trying to build large enough swales to catch water, it was instantly apparent after the 1st 5 inch rain that what we needed to do was slow it down and catch the sediment.

In many cases there is so much water so quickly and so much erosion, that we need to find a way to spread out the energy and give the silt chance to settle. These are like a windbreak with water. The increased deposition, diffuse the focused energy that tears the soil, and reduce the velocity of the water.


The wattle hurdle, used for fencing and building, is what we used in Haiti slow down the water. Like snow fences used in cold climates on the Windward side of a freeway, it catches the drift of sediment and reduces the deposition in the swales below. Also since they are on contour with the swales, the resulting micro-terrace is will be even and prevent gullying.

On the top of this page is a picture of a fascine. A fascine is a long bundle of sticks or brush used to reduce erosion and build sediment, along a contour line in our case. We are using this in a ravine below a culvert to slow flood waters a spring run off.  Overtime this a fill-in around the branches, plants will take root, and the natural berm will develop, slowing water in most cases.

 Another term I learned while working in New Jersey is Revetments.   In civil engineering these are large steps or concrete inclines along the banks of rivers and streams. Gabions are used for this, although of the ones I saw along the river in Port-au-Prince were already being undercut by the floodwaters. Most engineering revetments are smooth and slick only serving to move the water along while protecting the shoreline. Commonly concrete, But in general terms they can be used along any shoreline to decrease the erosion and increase sediment. Like the 1st scene, increase the revetment is a simple T-post along the waterline that is then woven with brush, honeysuckle in many cases.

 Each time the water rises the revetment  gathers more organic matter and small branches, building layers of intertwined sticks which then fill in with silt.

These are fairly simple and slow solutions that will continuously benefit the areas in which they are used, without disturbing the soil. As our weather gets more erratic and extreme, it will be important to do whatever we can to defuse the energy and increase the infiltration of the water while we can. Catch it on the ground, store it in the ground.


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My Badges
Consultant Aid worker PRI PDC Teacher I'm male, single, and looking for a permaculture partner
My Permaculture Qualifications
Cold Climate PDC
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Verifying teacher: Paula Westmoreland
Other Teachers: Guy Trombley, Bruce Blair
Location: Minnesota
Date: Jan 2007
Other course verified
Teaching Permaculture Creativiely
Type: Teacher Training
Verifying teacher: Dave Jacke
Other Teachers: Ethan Roland
Location: Sandstone, Minnesota
Date: Apr 2010
Other course verified
Permaculture Teacher Training
Type: Teacher Training
Verifying teacher: Bill Wilson
Other Teachers: Wayne Weiseman
Location: Stelle, IL
Date: Aug 2011
Other course unverified
The Soil Resource, Soil Science
Type: Soil Biology/Compost
Teacher: Dr. Terry Cooper
Location: University of Minnesota
Date: Aug 2007
Other course verified
Forest Ecology
Type: Other
Teacher: Rebecca Montgomery
Location: University of Minnesota
Date: Jan 2007
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Orcard Swale Catchment Workshop
Type: Earthworks
Verifying teacher: Geoff Lawton
Other Teachers: Guy Trombley, Paula Westmoreland
Location: Prior Lake, MN, USA
Date: Jun 2006
Other course verified
Edible Forest Gardens Short Workshop
Type: Other
Teacher: Dave Jacke
Location: PRI, Cold Climate, University of Minnesota
Date: Feb 2007
Other course unverified
Master of Professional Studies in Horticulture
Type: Other
Teacher: Dr. Tom Michaels
Location: University of Minnesota
Date: Oct 2010
Other course unverified
Bachelors of Science, Temperate Climate Polyculture Deign
Type: Other
Teacher: Nick Jordan
Location: University of Minnesota, USA
Date: Sep 2008
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Grey Water Systems with Brad Lancaster
Type: Other
Verifying teacher: Brad Lancaster
Other Teachers: Wayne Weiseman
Location: Kinstone Acedemy of Applied Permaculture
Date: Jan 2014
Other course unverified
Restoration Agriculture
Type: Earthworks
Teacher: Mark Shepard
Location: Harmony Park, MN
Date: Sep 2014
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Climate Zones
Daniel Halsey has permaculture experience in:
Cold Temperate
Cool Temperate
Warm Temperate
Sub tropical
Wet/Dry Tropical
Wet Tropical
Dry Tropical
Semi Arid
Cold Desert

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